Oh, Canada, don't be smug. Disinformation is a real and present danger

Recently, I was asked whether Canada is vulnerable to fake news. The question brought me back to a Sunday almost two years ago. I was spending a warm-for-winter evening with my family at home in Vancouver. The mood was dark; the recent inauguration of a certain president cast a long shadow over all of us. I was thinking about what National Observer’s lead story would be. For the life of me, I can’t remember what the choices were. And it doesn’t matter. Because just around dinner time, the first news alert came across my computer. There had been a shooting at a mosque in Québec City. There were many casualties. The details were still maddeningly hazy, as they always are in those first few hours of crisis. But instantly, reporters across Canada from multiple media outlets got to work separating speculation from fact. In the days that followed, we also told the story... not just the story of the attack, but the response to it. The vigils. The outpourings of grief and solidarity. It was an enormous shared effort at storytelling.
At the very same time, there was an alternative effort at storytelling under way in Canada. The very next day, a far-right website put up a video insinuating that another mosque might be linked to the shooting, when in fact the shooter was a lone white supremacist who had been bullied in school.
In the chaos immediately following the shooting, several news sites mistakenly reported that one of the suspects was a young Muslim man of Moroccan background. This man, Mohamed Belkhadir, had been detained by police.
We also reported what police had told us — that they had initially detained two people, before releasing Belkhadir.
It is common for confusion and rumours to spread rapidly when tragedy and chaos strikes. This is where journalists have a responsibility to step up.
The Globe and Mail and other newspapers soon reported Belkhadir had been trying to help the victims not hurt them, according to video footage. The province's police force, la Sûreté du Québec, tweeted later that Belkhadir was a witness, and not a suspect.
While the facts were quickly corrected by honest journalists, other sites such as Alex Jones' Infowars in America deliberately used the misinformation to drive a political narrative about the dangers posed to Canada by immigrants and multiculturalism. This fake news storm cast doubt on the shooting itself, Infowars suggested it was a "false flag" operation, with Alexandre Bissonnette being a possible "secret" Muslim "convert."

When reality didn’t fit the narrative, these news sites suggested the facts were wrong. Fox News tweeted about a shooter of "Moroccan origin" and the tweet remained online well after reliable news sources confirmed Alexandre Bissonnette was the only suspect. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's office demanded Fox News delete the tweet, which it eventually did. But by that point it had been shared by many, feeding anti-Muslim views.
A recent study in Science showed that fake news often spreads faster than truth, and in this case, the initial Fox News tweet mislabeling the shooter had been retweeted more than 900 times, and liked 1,500 times, though many had replied to the tweet calling for a correction.
Fox News' follow-up tweet with correct information, by contrast, was only retweeted 72 times and only had 162 likes.

Breitbart reported an update that the Muslim man in police custody was a "witness," but kept its full original text of the story that named him as a suspect on the site. Montreal-based daily newspaper La Presse, by contrast, took down its initial article naming Belkhadir as a suspect after learning that he wasn't a suspect, and set the record straight. A far-right site's headline, "What They Won’t Tell Us About the Quebec Mosque Attack," suggested these corrections were made by mainstream media to help "shift" or obscure the Muslim suspect's role in the attack.
So don’t ask: is Canada vulnerable to fake news? It’s already here! The question is: can we fight it off?
As you probably know pretty well by now if you read this publication, I'm its founder and editor-in-chief. I’m also someone who has lived with one foot in Canada and another in the United States. I came to Canada from the United States several years ago. To be honest, fake news is exactly the kind of thing I came here to get away from. As a newer-than-most citizen of this country, can I just say to my fellow Canadians? Fake news is like American beer. It just isn't worth importing.
The folks who asked me "Is Canada vulnerable to fake news?" were from the Global PR Summit. They asked me to give a talk on the subject in November. The easy answer, as I said, is not only, yes, but it’s already here infecting our news feeds. But after researching the problem for that talk, which I gave a few weeks ago in Toronto, I realized the problem is growing daily, even as thousands of people around the world work to solve it. I learned some things I'd like to share with you.
When I say fake news, I’m talking about the gamut of untrustworthy material — from fact-averse content generated within our borders, to propaganda campaigns from foreign governments. If we want to know whether Canada can withstand the fake news onslaught, the place to start is the nearest liberal democracy that didn’t manage to: the United States.
The scope and depth of fake news penetration into U.S. civil society is staggering. Yes, there’s the Russian endeavour out of the Internet Research Institute in St. Petersburg which allegedly hired hundreds of people to pump out online content and targeted the 2016 election as early as 2014. There’s also Alex Jones and Infowars, and countless mini-Infowars out there spinning the most inflammatory, outrageous fictions. And they easily predate Russian involvement. Alex Jones has been calling school shooting victims’ families “crisis actors” or “false flag operations” for years, long before he seized upon the tragedy in Quebec City. From Sandy Hook to Parkland, Jones has engaged in monstrous disinformation campaigns that have compounded the suffering for families of victims and survivors of school shootings.
Why was the U.S. so vulnerable to fake news?
That’s going to be the stuff of academic studies for the next twenty years. But just living there, as an American, I could see the cornerstones getting chipped away long before 2016, even before Twitter and Facebook came along and added accelerant to the distribution of fake news.
In fact, in the USA, for decades the conditions have been ripening for fake news to take hold. Education, particularly in civics and history, has been eroding since Sputnik stirred a panic push for science schooling. Facebook and Twitter prospered in part because they filled a void left by the decline of community and civil society, from churches and legion halls, to unions and sports teams. One academic, Robert Putnam, wrote a book to describe this called Bowling Alone in 2000 — it described the erosion of in-person social interactions that Americans used to rely on to enrich the fabric of their lives.
Then there has been the relentless attack on the role of government. And the equally relentless attack on the news media: eroding their credibility day in and day out over their supposed liberal bias, despite the fact that many media owners are conservative. The result is that much of the American media now bends over backwards to prove they’re being fair and balanced — to a segment of the audience that’s no longer listening. And those who want to listen may not have anything to listen to. A University of North Carolina Study out just last month says that more than 1,300 American communities have completely lost news coverage.
This isn’t a recipe for a robust body politic, able to fend off attacks from within or without. It’s a recipe for rumour and myth to explode, and for charlatans to take center stage.
Is Canada any better off? Why people say “yes”
So, is our body politic any healthier?
When I ask Canadians about that, I often hear that we’re fine. We’re in great shape. We have no need to worry. Why? Well, they say, our schools are better and we have a more educated population. Certainly the OECD thinks so — they rank us first in the world for the number of adults with a post-secondary education. The U.S. is sixth. They’ll point to the CBC. And yes: we have a great public broadcaster with a solid news organization and broad public support. There’s broad public support and respect for science as well — and for fans of objective truth and expertise, that’s good news. One of the goals of the fake news attack from Russia was to worsen divisions in the U.S. I hear from Canadians that we’re more of a multicultural country, with an ingrained respect for diversity.
There is a lot of truth here to be proud of. But there are also misconceptions and a touch of complacency about how united we truly are.
We’re a target: four big vulnerabilities
Canada is one of the world’s crown jewel progressive liberal democracies. Our fundamentals are sound, while other western democracies are faltering. That, I’m afraid, makes us a target. From without…but also from within. Because there are plenty of Canadians who draw inspiration from authoritarians and their communications strategies. And while Canada has some real advantages in defending our civil society, let’s not kid ourselves.
Let’s look at four particular ways that Canada is vulnerable to fake news.
The first is scale.
It’s a big country when you’re trying to get from one coast to another. It’s a much smaller country if you want to tilt the scales in our elections. Relative to the U.S., it doesn’t take a lot of money to make a difference. For instance, the Mercer Family Foundation has very deep pockets. In April, we learned they funded an organization producing anti-Muslim conspiracy theory videos — videos that then got repackaged for the Canadian audience. Robert Mercer is a billionaire who invested $10 million in Breitbart.com and rescued Trump's campaign when it floundered after the Republican Convention. Along with Steve Bannon, Mercer founded Cambridge Analytica, the British firm credited with spreading fake news during the Brexit campaign and again during the 2016 U.S. election. The New York Times and The Observer reported that the company had acquired and used personal data about Facebook users from an external researcher who had told Facebook he was collecting it for academic purposes. The company also ran Donald Trump's digital campaigns.

You’ve probably heard the Canada-U.S. relationship described as being like a mouse and an elephant sharing a bed: if the elephant sneezes, the mouse catches a cold. Well, an elephant-sized budget can make a big difference in a mouse-sized media landscape, so one can only hope that Canada's election does not become of interest to Mercer. But our very proximity to the United States increases our vulnerability to fake news fueled and funded by those living south of the border.
Our second vulnerability is exploitable divisions.
A lot of the fake news targeting the U.S. exploited issues of race. Well, we have divisions of our own. Definitely around race: look at the debate over race and policing. Look at discussions around Aboriginal land title. Look at the debate on immigration and refugee policy, and the so-called values-testing some politicians want to apply to newcomers. We have historical divisions around language, over climate policy — over pipelines and resources. And look at the intersections between energy and climate change, fossil fuel production and carbon policy. These are areas of big division in Canada and areas that many actors in the world would dearly like to exploit.
And we also know that this is crippling the health and long term interests of our country. We have cleavages between regions and an urban/rural gulf that is cultural, economic and social. If you’re looking to use fake news to exploit divisions among Canadians, you have a buffet of choices to exploit. And when it comes to national trauma… no, we didn’t fight a civil war in Canada. And we didn't have an economy built on slavery. What we do have… is our failure to truly confront our history of colonialism and its legacy for Canada’s First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples. Yes, reconciliation has taken us part way down that road. A lot of people are doing some admirable work in good faith. But if you’re looking for meaningful change — whether its practical, or in the hearts of Canadians, we have a very long way to go.
Our third vulnerability is the state of our news media.
Especially outside the CBC. After years of mergers and closures, with newsrooms pared back again and again, and reporters constantly being told to do more and more with less and less… it’s kind of a miracle we still have quality journalism being produced in Canada. I’m grateful for what we do have. My own publication, the National Observer, has partnered with folks like the Toronto Star and Global TV on several deep investigative pieces. But newsrooms are spread terribly thin. There are huge gaps in coverage. Time was when most major newsrooms had a reporter on the labour beat, to take one example. Today? Off the top of my head, I can only think of one in the whole country.
At last year’s UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn, there was only a single Canadian reporter. I should know — I sent him. It was Mike De Souza, National Observer’s managing editor. Our news media is in retreat and has been for well over a generation. And that risks leaving the field wide open to others who are a lot less interested in reporting the truth or ascertaining the facts. April Lindgren of Ryerson University has chronicled the disruption of news media in Canada. She found that the decline in print and other traditional media was far outstripping the rise of new digital media. We certainly hope that changes. But for now, these are exactly the kinds of conditions that created “news deserts” in the United States where ill informed residents were vulnerable to fake news.
That brings me to the fourth great vulnerability, and that’s — if you’ll forgive me — a touch of smugness.
I’m especially guilty of that as an immigrant. I love to compare things in Canada to the state of affairs in the USA, and tell myself “What a good choice I made!” It's only human, right?
And look, Canada has probably earned a little swagger as it faces the world. It IS a special and wonderful country. But we can’t let ourselves start thinking that it can’t happen here. We take things for granted at our peril. We can’t let ourselves start thinking that Canadians are too smart to be fooled. Or that we’re too polite and gentle to be turned against each other with fictions and lies, because that simply isn’t true.
Fake news, Canadian style.
So let me see what I can do to encourage us to replace smugness with vigilance.
The apparatus that creates fake news is here and functioning, as we've seen from the mosque shootings, which also illustrated how it is often fed or inspired by its American counterpart. For those who think it can’t happen here, consider these examples that already have happened here:
*Our investigative team at National Observer reported on a small army of anonymous Twitter accounts tweeting pro-Doug-Ford, anti-Kathleen-Wynne content with “inhuman frequency” during Ontario's provincial election. These accounts weren’t real people, they weren't sharing real news. They were bots. You may not realize this, but on Twitter, bots produce 60 per cent of the links.

Last fall, there was a truly disturbing story around the Radisson Hotel Toronto East — one that BuzzFeed did a great job of reporting, by the way. The hotel is a temporary home to hundreds of people who are seeking asylum in Canada. White nationalists have turned that into a rallying point for the alt-right. And some people have flooded the hotel’s listing on TripAdvisor with fake reviews making incredibly racist allegations, including a claim that occupants slaughtered goats in the bathrooms. That in itself is fake news of a sort. But where it really took off is when the Toronto Sun’s Sue-Ann Levy wrote a column that cribbed from those fake reviews — and used no other sources — to paint a picture of a hotel under siege. And her column exploded with thousands of shares and comments on Facebook. White nationalists like Faith Goldy then quoted the column on YouTube. Think about what just happened there. Fake reviews cycled through a mainstream media columnist as news! Basically, that’s hoax laundering. Just as I was putting the final touches on this piece, and a couple of months after the original story appeared, the self-regulating News Media Council censured the Toronto Sun, saying they committed a “serious breach of journalistic standards” for publishing the column that falsely reported refugees were slaughtering goats at a Scarborough hotel.
“The (council) supports the wide latitude afforded to opinion writers to express unpopular views, but is of the view that columnists must adhere to the journalistic standards of the news media organization, including commitment to accuracy,” the National NewsMedia Council said in the statement.
Nonetheless, the purveyors of this stuff are carefully working at building their credibility. Faith Goldy, fired by a far right website after she went on a podcast with a well-known Nazi site, will be known to Torontonians as the candidate who came in third in Toronto's mayoral election, garnering over 25,000 votes. Goldy, whose campaign included anti-immigrant policies, once wrote an article suggesting there was “white genocide” in Canada, The Globe and Mail reported. “Vote Faith Goldy for mayor and Toronto ceases to be a Sharia safe space,” she said in a tweet.

Months earlier, following the murder of 10 people on Yonge Street by the driver of a van, Goldy rushed to the scene where she live streamed that it was a terrorist attack.
She failed to mention that it was an attack by a deranged individual targeting women.
"I’m at Yonge and Finch, which has become a scene to what folks are now calling a terrorist attack on the streets of Toronto,” she said. Others who Macleans called 'conspiracy mongers' followed up on Goldy's insinuation by tweeting the blatant fake news that the driver was 'a radical Muslim waging jihad.' Alex Jones, of the demented conspiracy site Infowars jumped in, posting an article with the headline, “Identity released of Islamic man who used truck to kill 10 in Toronto.” From Texas, Jones ranted for nearly 30 minutes that mainstream media was covering up the truth about Alek Minassian. Minassian, it turned out, was a Christian.
And then there is Jack Posobiec. He was instrumental in driving the Pizzagate conspiracy hoax. If you don't know what Pizzagate is, read this Rolling Stone story by Amanda Robb who has also written for National Observer on a related story about the French election. Pizzagate is an example of how a fake news story repeated over and over on a big platform like Infowars incited a real person to pick up a real gun and attempt to shoot real people to right a fake wrong. It should be alarming that Jack also served as a correspondent for a far-right Canadian website for two months.
“The amount of deceptive, fake and misleading information and accounts targeting elected officials and diminishing the debate on social media platforms, particularly on Twitter, is increasingly concerning and, frankly unacceptable,” Cameron Ahmad, a spokesman for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, told The Globe and Mail last July. "Social media companies should immediately take action to fight back against those who deceive and manipulate for political gain.... Right now it remains clear that more action must be taken.” The Globe and Mail reported that a number of Liberals were "angry over false information that has recently circulated on Twitter, including one allegation that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s principal secretary, Gerald Butts, amassed a fortune of US$23-million while working for the Ontario and Canadian governments. In another case, a false account in the likeness of Environment Minister Catherine McKenna claimed she was against politicians paying for their own lunches." But apparently, none of this was true.
Here’s the thing about fake news. We’re only now getting a handle on the full extent of its reach and impact on the U.S. election two years ago. What we’re seeing now in Canada are initial forays… and a lot of motion under the surface of the water. We aren’t going to spot the full scale of future fake news campaigns of manipulation until they are already well under way.
Unfortunately, fake news has the power to pack a big emotional, long lasting punch. "Fake news can distort people’s beliefs even after being debunked," according to an article in Scientific American. A false story repeated over and over can seem true to people, even when contrary facts are presented. A study recently published in the journal Intelligence "suggests that some people may have an especially difficult time rejecting misinformation. Asked to rate a fictitious person on a range of character traits, people who scored low on a test of cognitive ability continued to be influenced by damaging information about the person even after they were explicitly told the information was false. The study is significant because it identifies what may be a major risk factor for vulnerability to fake news."
Swarms from the south, swarms from the east
What you don't know can hurt you. RT.com, the media arm of the Russian government, is often described as ‘Putin’s propaganda machine.’ A story RT.com published about Faith Goldy, the white nationalist who ran for mayor in Toronto this last election, contains some ominous rhetoric that hints at Canada's vulnerability. "Its prime minister, Justin Trudeau, is an unashamedly globalist and neo-liberal center-leftist of the kind that has been punished by electorates throughout the Western world, while the opposition leader, the one-time boy wonder Andrew Scheer, is the sort of lip-service conservative against whom movements like the Tea Party formed," RT proclaims, adding later that:
“On the surface, Canada appears primed for at least a facsimile of the political revolution south of its border."
RT.com published the article in French as well, presumably increasing its chances of influencing audiences where Goldy's anti-immigration resonates.

We Canadians sometimes think of ourselves as small. But Canada is a G7 country. A NATO member. And this is really important - we are the fourth largest producer of oil and gas in the world (depending how you measure these things). So it would be naive to think that Canada’s vulnerabilities will not be preyed upon by Russian fake news sites in the 2019 election here in Canada, as American society was preyed upon by those same fake news sites in 2016. It is happening already.
Fake news has already had cruel and lethal effects on Canadian society. Aimed at specific demographics,YOU may never see a piece of fake news about a candidate you love, but that doesn’t mean hundreds of others aren’t seeing it. You may be taken by surprise by learning after the damage is done about large scale campaigns of manipulation. In the 2019 federal election in Canada, you are sure to see social media accounts that appear to be real people that are actually bots. Some of the most critical of Canada’s government and society may seem to be coming from disenchanted people and yet they may well be aimed at Canada from Russian troll factories.
The fakery gets better and better
And as DeepFakes have started to make voice and video alteration technology available to the public, we are entering another new era that is likely to be even more disorienting. The goal of DeepFakes is to make it look like someone is doing or saying something they’re not. It isn't that easy now, although people are doing it, but it is going to get easier, experts say. That video the White House released of CNN reporter Jim Acosta supposedly touching a young female White House intern [he was really just asking Trump a question Trump seriously didn't want to answer], that was a deepfake, doctored to make it look like something happened that didn't. Deep fakes, real ramifications.
What we know for certain from watching Brexit, the U.S. presidential election and more recently, the Brazilian election, is that bad actors will continue to use technology to spread confusion, to promulgate hate, and try to sweep far-right ‘populists’ into power. Fake news can lead to some very real outcomes. And so you may wonder...what are the protections already in motion in Canada? Well, the government definitely knows fake news is a problem. They had a Parliamentary hearing on the state of the media in 2016 and heard from media companies across Canada about the closures of newspapers and loss of journalist jobs in the thousands. Elections Canada is now working across several departments to strengthen cyber security and prevent hacking and boost public awareness about election interference. Justin Trudeau warned Facebook Canada in February to fix its fake news problem or face tighter restrictions. The feds have allocated some $500 million dollars in the 2019 budget to strengthen local journalism. They seem keenly aware of the potential fake news has to damage Canada and the importance of journalism as a pillar of democracy. And they’ve kept CBC’s budget intact.
In my opinion, these are good protections and I'm glad for them, but I'm not sure they are enough to protect Canada from the swarm of ‘fake news’ that has hit other countries during elections. Having fake news in the mix during an important election causes extra anxiety. On top of melting ice caps, superstorms, monster fires, hate crimes, gun violence, war, human suffering made immediate through your computer and smartphone, having to differentiate between what’s fake and what’s real during an election takes a toll. As we approach the federal election, we will have to be critical thinkers and use social media with our skepticism intact.
Let’s hear from Canada’s electronic spy agency - specifically on how likely we are to see meddling in our upcoming election. “Very likely” — that’s the evaluation from Canada’s Communications Security Establishment, as told to National Observer over a year ago. And things are worse today. They already discovered “low-sophistication cyber threat activity” in the 2015 election. The agency said it expects interventions in 2019 will be well-planned, with targets ranging from voter suppression and stealing party information to fake news campaigns trying to discredit candidates.
How do we inoculate Canada against the fake news virus?
So, what can we do?
Much is being done in Canada and around the world to understand and overcome the enormous challenge of fake news. Emily Bell is director of the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism. She is also the co-author, with Taylor Owen of 'The Platform Press: How Silicon Valley re-engineered journalism." Bell told a roundtable of 37 Canadian news executives I attended last year in Ottawa, 'we're only one minute into a long journey that began with the information collapse of 2016', a collapse she likened to the economic collapse of 2008. As events have made clear, there's too much at stake to hope the Internet giants or regulatory bodies will take care of the problem of fake news without enormous, relentless government intervention. So, who will?
Each of us needs to be a part of the fight against fake news. Start by learning the lessons from the U.S. and anywhere else that fake news has interfered with civic conversation. Not just learning from what went wrong, but also from how people are responding. For example, NewsGuard is a new startup that provides ratings in your browser of the news sites you visit — so you know if you’re visiting a publication that meets the basic standards of journalism. The Trust Project gives news with integrity a nifty 'Trust Mark'. Factmata is another project. It is exploring how to use AI to recognize fake news and notify readers. Facebook has been credited since the U.S. midterms of making strides in reducing the fake news that reached voters and WhatsApp has been working to reduce fake news that has incited violence in India. These initiatives are great. But they are only the first step. One layer of defence.
I talked earlier about the body politic. Well, you can think of fake news as a viral infection that threatens it. Just as the human body’s immune system relies on multiple layers of defence, we have to as well. And just as your chances at fighting off an infection are a lot better if you’re already fit and healthy, we have to ensure Canada’s civil society is a lot stronger. We have to rebuild the underlying resilience of our institutions, and the faith that Canadians have in them. We have to rekindle the interest and engagement of Canadians in the stories unfolding in our own backyard. This is the danger of the Trump carnival — it distracts from the narrative of your own world, your community, even noticing the street outside your window. It’s addictive — because it’s so viscerally dramatic. But it’s time for us to stop looking to news for that surge of cheap adrenaline. Less drama means a better functioning system; the show may not be as good, but the outcome is so much better.
Examine your own use of news. I say use because we need to stop thinking about news as entertainment — or a drug. It's so important that you and I get our drama on Netflix, iTunes and Crave. Get your news from your own community, in your own backyard, your own country — so that when you go out to vote, you’re armed with solid knowledge. We're going to have to become a nation of 36 million antibodies.
We also have to help individuals do a better job of spotting fake news before they spread it. My industry, the news media, has to double our efforts to stay credible and relevant. We need more transparency, so that readers and viewers know that what they’re getting is sourced and accurate, and gathered and reported according to professional standards.
A strong news media offers a counterweight to propaganda and malicious fiction. It’s an authoritative way to separate the real from the false. But every time we give in to the temptation to post clickbait, every time we trivialize our own work to pander to our metrics, it erodes our credibility. We need to find new business models that reduce the incentive to drive clicks at all costs. We also need to recognize the critical role that the CBC plays as a well-resourced public broadcaster. It’s under constant attack, and we should be doing a better job of reporting on the very real good that the CBC does in support of Canadian civic life.
I also, very candidly, want a lot more company. Even if that means more competition. National Observer focuses on under-covered areas across Canada, telling stories that other media don't have the budget for or interest in — but I’d like to see a lot more of us telling more stories in communities across the country. And we need to be willing and ready to call out blatant propaganda when we see it. He said/she said reporting is not up to the challenge of confronting a steady campaign of outright lies.
That's what it will take because we face a continuous, deliberate, planned assault on the truth. Not just on the facts themselves, but on truth as an idea. On truth as a value worth defending. And for those who believe in that value, for those who believe the pursuit of truth is in any way sacred, this is war. “Fake news” is a tactic, not a strategy. The strategy is to:
undermine our trust in democratic institutions
undermine our trust in sources of information
and undermine our trust in each other
and to put whole nations under its spell.
Fake news is the tool of choice for authoritarians. Authoritarianism and hate have something in common: a simple, dramatic story. The truth will always be messier. To prevail, truth needs space and focused attention. And this work, this war, needs skilled storytellers, thousands and thousands of trained journalists, who are experienced and compassionate, and people like you, who will subscribe to and pay for real news. We need journalists more than ever to tell good, honest stories that let us better know each other. It will take thousands of journalists empowered by millions of readers. It will take a tsunami of truth.
With files from Jenny Uechi, Rob Cottingham and Chris Hatch
In case you want to check my facts, here are my primary sources for this piece...
- The Invention of Russia: The Rise of Putin And the Age of Fake News By Arkady Ostrovsky, Penguin Books
- The Death of Truth: Notes on Falsehood in the Age of Trump By Michiko Kakutani, Tim Duggan Books
- Active Measures, directed by Jack Bryan, documentary
- Cognitive Ability and Vulnerability to Fake News: Researchers identify a major risk factor for pernicious effects of misinformation, Scientific American
- What they won't tell us about the Quebec mosque attack by Faith Goldy in Rebel Media
- Breitbart Suspects in Quebec mosque attack identified as mohamed khadir and Alexandre Bissonette
- Infowars said operation was a "false flag" operation by Islamists (more analysis on InfoWars' alternative reality on Quebec shooting from Global News)
- Fox News deletes false Québec shooting tweet after Canadian PM's office steps in by National Observer and The Canadian Press
- Trudeau made them take down the tweet
- Toronto Star: Innocent man
- La Presse: (article link deactivated)
- Although the original tweets/articles have been deleted, Breitbart claims CBC and the Montreal Gazette are reported Belkhadir as a suspect while Daily Mail and Fox News are both reported that one of the suspects “was of Moroccan origin.”
- JIHAD WATCH: Canada gunmen screaming allahu akbar open fire in mosque murdering multiple people
- INFOWARS: "It was one sect attacking another sect. The biggest victims of terrorists are Muslims"
- The Atlantic: The Grim Conclusions of the Largest-Ever Study of Fake News: Falsehoods almost always beat out the truth on Twitter, penetrating further, faster, and deeper into the social network than accurate information.
- RT.com: White supremacist or rising threat to the establishment? Meet ‘Toronto’s next mayor’ Faith Goldy
- Next Canadian federal election will be target for Russian meddling: Sajjan, The Canadian Press

I think Canadians are even more susceptible to fake news because the country is so fucking smug and sanctimonious about itself. That exposes significant character flaws that are really easy to exploit.
Well, maybe, but is national pride not allowed at all? If you've ever lived anywhere else - and I mean anywhere - you come home to a place that looks very good in comparison.
Canada looks very good. by comparison to me, too, Patricia. I feel privileged to live here. (And as I say above, probably a little too smug about it.) That said, no place is perfect. Wherever human beings live, there will be the full gamut of the human experience from kindness to cruelty. All those things that are universal to Sapiens.
I'm very glad to have been born here too but gladness shouldn't be equated with blindness.
Very true.
If we are genuinely proud of our country, we will do our best to protect it. And that to me means having no time for news that is unencumbered by citation, references and analysis.........or is riddled with dog whistle hate memes. On line, its easy to spot the folks who comment to be abusive........I want more of us who know how to reason and connect the dots to reply to those posts....even if bots........and remind them that insult is not argument, bad mouthing not analysis.
That in itself would go a long way to restoring my pride in being Canadian. Wealthy provinces whining about transfer payments, or tearing their hair because a court sent us back to do due diligence is embarrassing........and no cause for patriotism.
Additional resources:
The Road to Unfreedom by Timothy Snyder (see also his YouTube talks)
LikeWar by P. W. Singer and Emerson Brooking
Hi Bill,
I failed to mention that I read the first chapter of "Like War." I want to tell you that I found it so scary and so depressing, I chose not to read past the first chapter. To be honest, the more research I did, the longer it took to finish the article, every day new stuff was coming out. By the time 'Like War' came out, it was the week before I was giving my speech in Toronto and I felt like saying something of value about 'Canada's vulnerability to fake news' was a lot like trying to wrap my hands around a python that kept doubling in size every few seconds. The first chapter of 'Like War' revealed to me more than anything else I read how nightmarishly monstrous the snake is. But I'll check out The Road to Unfreedom.
The Road to Unfreedom is not strictly about fake news or misinformation. It is a deep dive into the post-WW2 history of Russia, the rise of Putin, and the philosophical underpinnings of Putin's (and hence contemporary Russia's) view of the West.
This review on goodreads is a better synopsis than I could ever write.
Quite the review....but I find myself wondering. What has neoliberalism got to do with it??? Putin's plan to weaken the west may well be a factor, but seriously: Our own financialised elites have done at least as much to make the common people lose hope (the politics of inevitability have been functioning in the west as long as I've been alive), and move to despair (the politic of eternity). We all love an enemy, know how to function with regard to an enemy..........but get your party elected and watch how soon friendships sour.
Because really, as long as neoliberalism is the economics of the day, I think we are preparing for fascism. I'm not even sure any longer that neoliberalism is much different that fascism. We certainly have not been loathe to bomb the bejesus out of any part of the planet we think threatens our economic order....and we create failed states with alarming irregularity (Yeman, Libya, Bosnia)
So while Putin may be a truth hating demagogue.......I doubt we're as dependent on Russia's nefarious plans as some might like to think. That enemy syndrome can be dangerous. While it promises to bring back some past glory, it makes it hard for us to 'look in the mirror'. Calling our leaders democrats doesn't make it so.
Stay tuned to Ford, and if we're unlucky, Jason Kenny.........if there's any doubt about that.
Just reading 21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Yuval Noah Harari and he is looking at a lot of this in very interesting ways.
I don't think anyone is saying we are "dependent on Russia's nefarious plans". Snyder (and others) point out that Russia's long game is to destabilize "the West". One tactic is to amplify existing divisions in order to further polarize and harden opinions. Would outcomes be different without Russia's interventions? We probably can't know for sure, but it is apparent to me that the long game involves precisely the author's four bullet points near the end of the article.
Snyder is brilliant.
This is an interesting characteristic: `... people who scored low on a test of cognitive ability continued to be influenced by damaging information about the person even after they were explicitly told the information was false.'
If you have been in the education trade, you will have had at least one student who will spend all the time you have and all the oxygen in the room to argue for their `own truth', unless you're quick. It was almost always the person whose grasp on the matter at hand was `loose', but they were convinced of the aforementioned `truth'. Listening and watching these performances, you understood how important it is to these people that they be right. It's a matter of personal security. They have trouble learning in the first place, and to have that learning `attacked' is frightening. It means the ground they stand on so precariously is not solid. You see that same stance at Timmy's. It's both troubling and sad, but mostly it has the possibility of being dangerous.
This is a big problem. I have no answer.
Yes. Wow. Thanks for this description of a problem that can seem hard to define.
As a retired teacher who worked in the trenches for most of my adult life, I agree with you, but also believe there is an answer. Here's my take.
1. Human beings have very few stupid children....but over time, society chooses to dumb down some of them.
2. Poverty is the chief culprit in this dumbing down, but authoritarian homes where there's little time for talk, and lots of time for rule setting doesn't hurt either...by middle school those children are either too afraid to think, or they've adopted the know it all lines policed by their parents.
3. Bad schooling is the final ingredient. Classes where 'there are two sides to every question (one of them wrong), play a larger role in reinforcing pig headedness than we teachers might like to think. Multiple choice exams don't do a much better job, as generally at least one of the four choices can be eliminated as obviously wrong. But we teach with these blunt instruments because 'they are easy to mark'. Seldom do we have the discussions about how form dictates function. If learning becomes a guessing game rather than a reflective thinking game, let's not blame the children for struggling to be right. In those authoritarian classes we either fail the kid who is wrong most often.....or ignore her...passing her on even if she can't read.
So let's not blame the victim when it comes to intellectual ability. Let's do due diligence and start thinking...how we could do better. Smaller classes are a step in the right direction. Teachers taught to think for themselves, and teach thinking skills would be another. Building more talk about substantive issues into the curriculum would be one more.
I have grandkids in junior high and high school now. I'm waiting for them to tell me what they are learning about climate change...or renewable technologies....or techniques to spot fake news. I'm waiting.....
But living in a petro state that wants to believe we still have an oil boom in our future likely means those discussions won't happen. TOO POLITICAL..yes??? And I'm a bit angry for all the kids who will graduate still hopeful..........into a world teetering on climate tipping points.......without knowing a damn thing about any of it.
Except perhaps for a ream of words and definitions, that they try to memorize without full understanding. Of course such graduates are susceptible to fake news......but the idea its because they aren't smart, is a bit of fake news also.
Agree with all you say but, at this moment, I fear we don't have the luxury of time.
I left the classroom early-ish and entered the realm of the policy wonks. It gave me opportunities to work with populations that were not served by education, one way or another.
Education needs to be seen as never ending. Those for whom school was an agony in youth (mostly because of social difficulties - schools are pretty socially primitive in many ways), were so often eager for knowledge, and a need to prove their worth. They made a perfect target for all sorts of snakeoil salespeople (SS) who exploit and stoke resentments. The folks we miss in the early years can be `picked up' later.
In the meantime, we have the aforementioned SS to deal with.
Thank you, Linda, for such a well-researched and focused exposé of Canada's 'news challenge'. I can only add this tool for readers to see where we are going: https://localnewsmap.geolive.ca
Interesting map, Graham. Thanks for sharing it.
I live in a village. We have no local news source outside of gossip (and a dodgy FB page). There used to be a paper but it was bought and closed in the early years of newspaper mergers.
"And we didn’t have the institution of slavery."
Might want to rethink that one. Before it becomes "fake news".
• https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/slavery
• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_Canada
• https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2017/06/17/slavery-canada-history_n_16806…
• https://www.cbc.ca/radio/ideas/canada-s-slavery-secret-the-whitewashing…
• https://humanrights.ca/blog/it-happened-here-too-story-slavery-canada
Thanks, Geoffrey. I've removed that sentence. Thank you for pointing this out.
This is an excellent coverage of a situation that threatens us all. Fake news is produced by fake journalists...but also by ordinary people who think they know more than they do, or whose 'intuition' picks up conspiracies everywhere. It can be a form of fear mongering, a kind of gossip, a need to believe the worst of those considered enemies......but it is also increasingly funded by wealthy individuals and authoritarian governments.
The National Observer is one good source of fake news debunking.......I wouldn't be without it.
It's a very saddening process that is being played out in our country. Science is becoming irrelevant, but only on intense subjects that are very much political and corporate. We are separating into ideologies and beliefs that our grounded in acceptence rather than reason or logic. We are in a constant state of "OTHERING" people and using character assassination as a tactic to misinform and discredit people. Left or right, it's not healthy and we are only getting more divided as a country and people. Life is a series of ever improving compromises and I think both, if not all sides, need to start coming together to form and support critical thinking, and reflection. Skill sets that need to be newed from adolescents to adulthood. A unified, educated, and we'll informed public is dangerous to the Oligarch's and that's why it upsets me to see truth and peer reviewed, replicated science discredit. It's a nasty spot to be in right now and I'm afraid of where it will go from here unchecked.
Thanks for this comment, Derek. It's easier to attack the person than engage in a thoughtful, informed debate particularly when you think you might lose the debate on the merit of the facts.
Hi Linda, I suspect you give CBC too much credit. They have a bad habit of parroting the point of view coming out of Alberta. Your latest coverage of the misleading Scotiabank report is a perfect example of that. I heard numerous CBC reporters, commentators and guests reference these figures as fact.
Perhaps I do. What you are saying here is true. That's very problematic.
A pretty substantive assessment of some of the preeminent factors at play with our body politic right now, and this didn't leave me feeling anxious, but rather gave me some tools for active awareness. I'd like to thank the author. Citing her sources was particularly broad shouldered of her, kudos.
This is a very serious issue ! I really enjoy the excellent insight in the comments here and also your work on this Linda . Keep up your valuable work Linda . Merry Christmas all .
Linda I am so glad to see this excellent analysis. At this time of year like many others I spend time reflecting on my priorities for the next year - this depends on what I think are the most serious problems. This year I identified climate justice and fake news - actually the willingness of one side of the debate that favours the wealthy - to lie while the other side insists on integrity. Fake news is easier to say. The recent Pro Rep campaign in BC has been deeply disturbing to me as the FPTP crew lied and disinformed with impunity and to great effect. I am anxious to get involved. Not sure how to do that yet but watching for opportunities.
The problem of "Fake News" in Canada is even worse than this excellently researched article suggests.
From my standpoint, there are two additional facets to it:-
(1) Willfull ignorance and /or peremptory dismissal of reports by people such as myself about some types of corruption in Canadian business. Please see the comments that I posted online about SNC-Lavalin Inc. in response to Mike de Souza's article about the RBC's firing of a whistleblower, located at https://www.nationalobserver.com/2018/06/22/news/uk-tribunal-slams-rbc-…
In general the Canadian approach to whistleblowers is to brand them as "troublemakers" with never any enquiry into the facts about WHY THEY BECAME whistleblowers. The result is always to punish the whistleblowers for doing the right thing, notwithstanding the supporting documentation that they provide. In that respect, in my view this is totally unacceptable and Canada is nothing but a bloody disgrace for allowing this sort of behaviour by big business - and those working with them to cover everything up including lawyers and bigoted mainstream media owners secretly applying their idiotic ideas about "political correctness", all aided and abetted by popular but misinformed social prejudices on the part of everybody else.
(2) Popular misinformation and disinformation about (a) the performance of the economy and (b) people out of work. Please see my web page at www.unempgeninfo.com/index.htm It was last updated in 2011, so that's just for starters. But don't fool yourself into dismissing this as inconsequential "...because it's so old...", or some such. Everything I said STANDS until somebody can prove the contrary to my satisfaction as well as everybody else's. Plus, there is much additional and more recent information about this on my other web sites; these include, among other things, information made public by the Ontario Society of Professional Engineers (OSPE). We all wonder why we can't seem to manage immigration properly in Canada. But, among other things, the truth is that there is a complete failure to recognise the numbers of jobs actually necessary to satisfactorily employ all the immigrants wanting or needing jobs, plus all the people already in Canada who are out of work and in need of jobs. As I've made clear on my own web page referenced above, the so-called "official" unemployment rate represents only a fairly small [art of the overall problem. Meanwhile in the mainstream media news reports, we keep hearing of massive "skill shortages" along with allegations of "booming" job markets, and the like, so as to make it appear that "everything is great", or some such - while studiously ignoring the problems of poverty, the plight of people on social assistance and so on. I can only assume that this is being deliberately contrived by big business, government and the legal profession in order to create plenty of scapegoats on whom to blame Canada's problems. "Dropped out of the labour force", "given up looking for work", and all the rest of it; as far as I'm concerned, it's all rubbish designed to encourage business to procure cheap labour and cheapen the people who are out of work because of a combination of the business community's own bigotry and government pretences to be unaware of what is really going on.
Excellent article, but way too long for some of us to give it its proper due...the target for this sort of message should be students..and the younger generation..how to expose them to the subject is, in itself, a challenge....maybe this is a topic all our political parties might support as a common objective
It should be noted that there are a few significant motes in the older news media's own eyes. One of the . . . not drivers as such perhaps, but main enablers, of the spread of fake news is an ever decreasing trust in the existing news media. But the main driver of that mistrust is that the news media themselves regularly tell or uncritically relay whoppers, on matters big and small. Still more do they frame situations in misleading ways, or ways that are irrelevant to most people.
The most blatant, well known example is weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. The political authorities said they existed, the IAEA inspectors said they did not, the press went with the political authorities, it turned out the political authorities were knowingly lying through their teeth and there were strong indications the news media knew this perfectly well at the time but chose to endorse the desired war rather than tell the truth. But this was not a random one-off; it is clear that every time the United States wants to sanction, invade or otherwise destabilize a country, the news media, including the Canadian news media, can be counted on to salute and endorse the fictions required to make the victim seem like Hitler--Gadhaffi was going to commit genocide, Iran was going to have nukes and was a major sponsor of terrorism, the president of Venezuela (elected in a far more solid electoral process than the American one) is a dictator. All of this nonsense relayed pretty uncritically, from the New York Times on down.
Then there is climate change. The news media for ages simply avoided talking about it as much as they could; when they felt they had to cover it, they presented the science of climate change as a he said/she said story where there was no way to choose between different viewpoints. An enormous and systematic distortion of the truth! One of the two viewpoints was endorsed by nearly every climate scientist in the world, the other by fake science paid for by major advertisers. But again, this is not a random one-off situation; the news media does not bite the hands that feed them, and the hands that feed them (present company excepted) belong to big advertisers, mainly large transnational corporations.
Which brings us to things like the ways the economy is reported. The news media were trumpeting recovery for years before any of the improvements in GDP showed up in the pocketbooks of the lower 95% of the population. So the news was reporting literally for the benefit of, using frames relevant to, only 5% of the public. This again is not an aberration, but typical.
Then there is the relentless concentration on irrelevance; how much of the news is something along the lines of "Kardashian-equivalent does something utterly unimportant; we declare it newsworthy because they are famous"? Distraction, not reportage.
It seems to me that the news media would get further as self-appointed guardians of the truth if their own news was a bit less fake. Sure, most people don't precisely know about most of the instances I've mentioned--but they sense something's up. So they go looking for a different perspective, and they find mostly a different set of lies told with less apparent sophistication. Put some clothes on that emperor and maybe people would listen as it denounced the deshabille of internet con artists. As long as they remain stenographers to power and at the beck of advertisers, they will display systematic bias and be untrusted because untrustworthy.
Purple Library Guy nails it really. What we now call the "news media" is really just another advertising medium.
Purple Library Guy totally nails it. As a new subscriber I find it very disappointing that a National Observer columnist has written an article on ''fake news'' without once mentioning the years of lies, distorsions, omissions and misdirection propagated by the mainstream media. Indeed an NBC reporter just resigned because of the network's support for endless war. That is what has undermined the credibility of the mainstream media and opened the door wide for bigoted news blogs. Ms. Wood even deals in fake news herself in giving credence to the silly, but very dangerous pro-war Russiagate accusations based on the activities of a Russian clickbait company.
I see some material for part two in your suggestions. Thanks!
Thank you Linda and the National Observer for your well-written articles. Corporate fascism and right wing media is poison to our mental health long before it becomes an authoritarian influencer.