Mark Carney has Canada’s Conservatives running scared

Then-Governor of the Bank of England Mark Carney speaks at the IMF in 2019. Photo: Cory Hancock / IMF
The race to replace Justin Trudeau as Liberal leader and Canada’s prime minister won’t officially conclude until March 9. Based on the way some people are reacting, though, it might already be over. After yet another round of high-profile endorsements for Mark Carney — this time from industry minister and Quebec political heavyweight François-Philippe Champagne, Transport Minister Anita Anand and Housing Minister Nate Erskine-Smith — it seems clear the former central banker is the preferred choice for most elected Liberals.
The biggest tell here, though, is coming from his potential opponents. Conservative politicians and pundits have spent the last week mooting their arguments against his candidacy with a growing sense of urgency — and desperation. They’ve even taken to crashing his events in an attempt to divert the growing spotlight on him. This isn’t the behaviour of a party that’s confident in its position as presumptive front-runner.
No wonder: a pair of recent polls shows a substantial rebound in Liberal fortunes, with both putting the Liberals back in the game in the key battleground of Ontario. And with Conservatives still visibly divided over whether to respond to US President Donald Trump’s threats by defending the country or just its oil and gas industry, there could easily be even worse polls yet to come.
First things first, though: in our time of ever-more-juvenile politicking, they clearly need to land on their childish nickname of choice. Is it “Carbon Tax Carney,” as Poilievre has called him? Michelle Rempel-Garner, the MP for Calgary-Oklahoma, seems to have a preference for “Canapé Carney,” while National Post senior editor Terry Newman boldly eschewed the alliterative trend with her reference to “Redistribution Carney.” Pick a lane, folks.
They’ll also have to settle on a line of attack. So far, in the various anti-Carney columns written by Newman and her Postmedia colleagues Don Braid, Brian Lilley, David Staples, and Conrad Black, they seem most triggered by the fact that he cares too much about climate policy. “The former Bank of Canada governor is a climate activist of the most devoted and determined sort,” Braid wrote. “He has done more thinking and writing about climate change than the rest of the Trudeau caucus combined.”
The horror.
What makes matters worse, apparently, is his work with organizations like Brookfield Asset Management, Bloomberg, the United Nations, and the World Economic Forum. “He’s brilliant at one thing — getting governments and private businesses to fall in line with [Greta] Thunberg’s climate change agenda,” the Edmonton Journal’s David Staples writes. He cites former Obama administration official Steve Koonin, who wrote in his own book that Carney “is probably the single most influential figure in driving investors and financial institutions around the world to focus on changes in climate and human influences upon it.”
If anything, this supposed weakness might actually end up being Carney’s biggest strength. His relationships with large global organizations and leading role in pushing the banking world into the fight against climate change will activate the most tinfoil-laden parts of Poilievre’s Conservative coalition. It will draw out Poilievre’s own inclination towards conspiracy-laden thinking and bring his party into closer orbit with Trumpism. And it will help contrast Carney’s competent centrism and Poilievre’s paranoid populism glaringly enough that all but the most blinkered partisan will see it.
We won’t have that carbon tax election, in other words, much to Poilievre and his team’s obvious chagrin. That’s in part because Carney will almost certainly axe the consumer portion of the carbon tax himself and replace it with something that’s harder to gin up populist outrage against. But it’s also because Canadian voters are already far less focused on the past than they were even a few weeks ago. When they cast their ballots, they’ll be thinking far more about the future — theirs and their country’s — and who can best navigate the threat posed by Trump.
Do we want to join the United States on its latest trip through the populist looking glass, one that revolves around discouraging immigration, attacking minorities, and doubling down on fossil fuels? Or do we want to stand up for more Canadian values like pluralism, diversity, and openness, and exploit the economic and cultural opportunities that America’s retreat might create? That’s the choice that voters will have to make in the next election.
They may still decide to throw the Liberal bums out. After a decade with them in government, and especially the last decade, that’s still by far the most likely outcome. But the sheer volume of Conservative criticism directed at Carney of late reveals how nervous they are about him — and how little they actually have to work with.
Brilliant as usual
I have to agree with you :) Great journalism from Canada's National Observer.
Fawcett: "Do we want to join the United States on its latest trip through the populist looking glass, one that revolves around discouraging immigration, attacking minorities, and doubling down on fossil fuels?"
More gaslighting. Have not the Trudeau Liberals also doubled down on fossil fuels?
Did Trudeau not buy a pipeline?
Have the Trudeau Liberals not funnelled billions of tax dollars in subsidies into Big Oil's pockets?
Have Trudeau and his ministers not promoted O&G expansion?
Has the federal government not repeatedly approved O&G projects?
Is Canada's O&G industry not reporting record profits on record production?
Tell me it is not true, Max.
Does Fawcett himself not promote fossil fuel expansion?
Does Fawcett himself not parrot CAPP's talking points?
Does Fawcett not support new taxpayer-owned pipelines (TMX) and taxpayer-funded carbon capture, both of which perpetuate fossil fuels?
Are climate plans based on fossil fuel expansion not designed to fail?
Does the IEA's Net-Zero by 2050 report not say no new investment in fossil fuels after 2021 to limit global warming to 1.5 C?
Do Fawcett and the Trudeau Liberals not defy the best available science?
Just four days ago, Fawcett wrote:
"Donald Trump might just make Canada great again" (National Observer, January 24, 2025)
"Trump’s return is also a reminder of the need to chart our own economic course, one that’s far more independent from the United States than it’s ever been. Yes, that probably includes new energy infrastructure that reduces our dependence on America and increases our access to world markets. It also means finding ways to displace American energy imports with Canadian-made options — in other words, a National Energy Program for the 21st century.
"… Northern Gateway is dead, but what about a different project — built by Ottawa and owned entirely by impacted Indigenous communities — that helped ship Canada’s oil to global markets? What about a similar project heading east to feed refineries in Quebec and the Maritimes? And what if one of the conditions attached to those projects was Alberta’s acceptance of an emissions cap to ensure the sort of climate leadership the oil and gas industry keeps promising it will deliver one day?"…
No time for fossil-fuel expansion.
But Max Fawcett knows better?
Why does The Observer's lead columnist continue to promote false climate solutions?
Why does The Observer promote incoherent climate policy designed to fail?
I propose the following metaphorical answers:
Climate action is a hell of a drug.
But unfortunately it's nothing compared to the high from heeding the siren songs of energy independence (which is this case is just further entrenched fossil fuel dependence) and ecomodernism, coupled with a nice hit of economic nationalism to boot.
And it sure as hell beats contending with the brutal symptoms of fossil fuel withdrawal, planetary limits be damned.
While true this Liberal government nonetheless did more than any other government (Liberal or Conservative) to combat climate change
Don't forget what Liberals have done for First Nations, daycare, dental care and pharmacare and getting 10 days sick leave for employees and on and on. It is the best government Canada has had in decades and it is our loss if we are unlucky enough to lose them. Hopefully Carney can keep them in the game until the world straightens out and moves away from the dark, black clouds that are turning some unhappy individuals to extremism to relieve their misplaced anger roiled up by opportunistic, unpatriotic politicians with no hearts.
DED wrote: "Don't forget what Liberals have done for First Nations, daycare, dental care and pharmacare and getting 10 days sick leave for employees and on and on."
Climate change disproportionately affects women and children. The global poor are the most vulnerable. Does not matter what your policies are on farm labor, GSAs, childcare, etc. If you're not progressive on climate, you're not progressive.
If we fail to act on climate change and other existential issues, no number of progressive social policies will save us.
You can improve services for third-class passengers on the Titanic all you want, but if you fail to avoid the iceberg, all is lost. You can move all the third-class passengers up to first class, but if the ship goes down it won't help them.
If your house is on fire, what is your main concern? The fire — or childcare, farm labor, and GSAs?
Do you rush to rescue your children — or worry about whether the daycare centre has space for them?
If we don't put out the fire, if we fail to save our children, nothing else much matters.
Climate change is not one issue of many. Climate change does not rank with healthcare, childcare, GSAs, EI. Climate is the lens through which all economic and quality-of-life issues must be viewed. Climate and environment are the background to all our activities. Climate change is existential.
Most of us can survive, for better or worse, with or without progressive social policies. We cannot survive, much less thrive, amid ecosystem collapse.
Well said.
Trying to think of ways an old woman can help support the country until the cycle wears itself out and sanity returns. I m determined to live that long, perhaps a decade perhaps more. I don t go out much so it has to be from home and local.
Buy Canadian online; boycotting US products, giving up Amazon and Netflix, will hit the saturday markets and buy local. Don t do social media, ideas welcome.
Perhaps an article, NO?
DC wrote: "While true this Liberal government nonetheless did more than any other government (Liberal or Conservative) to combat climate change."
Setting a low bar. Since previous governments did little or nothing to reduce emissions, this is to say nothing at all.
One step forward, two steps back.
We cannot afford this definition of progress.
Carney is better suited to lead.
Damn right!
Good article and from what I see, Mark Carney should be a shoe in and the best choice to lead the Liberals in the next election. This should fizzle Pierre "Snake Oil Salesman" Poilievre super lame "Axe the Tax" campaign, which was misleading and a non-issue. Instead, Pee Pee should have focused more on affordable housing, cost of living and healthcare which are major Canadian concerns right now. The carbon measure has little to no impact to Canadians, though some of the naive Conservative followers bought into Pee Pee's disinformation, along with all the other misleading nonsense he spewed.
Though climate change is on everyone's minds, it is clear Pee Pee will dismantle anything that the oil patch doesn't want, making Pee Pee a bad choice with his deafening silence on the subject. But many other things on Canadian minds are far more important right now.
Mark Carney is the best choice to stand up against and deal with the president elect Orange Sphincter to the south.
I have very little respect for Pierre Poilievre and believe he would be a terrible PM, but please can we stop with the childish nicknames and leave that to the Conservatives?
Yeah the 'Tax the Axe' crowd are getting slightly embarrassing. People are starting to wonder about their vocabularies and how they are going to possibly mingle with the worldly intellectuals who will expect whole sentences and paragraphs that make sense. Thankfully I don't think that's going to happen.
The nicknames are more of a description for me, which are what I call some politicians and always have and reflect how I view them. At my advanced age, I will very unlikely change that aspect, I say it as I see them.
That video of Melissa Lantsman is entertaining but there are a couple of useful points that her repetitive performance raises.
First, is that the Liberal Party must make every effort to have a substantive debate amongst the leadership candidates; please, let's not suffer another coronation.
Second, Mr. Erskine-Smith might have taken the example of Bernie Saunders, and situated himself in-frame in the background sitting in a chair with jacket and mittens, but sipping a cup of tea or doing the daily wordle or reading the daily paper -- one party-crashing deserves another, awaiting a chance to respond should the journos (I'm assuming there were at least two) wish to ask him questions.
Lastly, the leadership candidates must start talking to the electorate and giving clues as to, 1, what is on their list of priorities, and, 2, provide an overview of where they believe lie the faults in the way the global economy is presently (not) working, and, 3, what big-picture, policy ideas they would put forward in response. This is a double positive: it lets people get to know how they think; It sucks more oxygen from Mr. Poilievre, which is always a good thing.
Lantsman? You mean that kind hearted, well spoken woman, who is so mannerly and respectful and offers such incredibly good ideas. She's stand out for her kind hearted and well spoken viewpoints that shows she cares about everyone equally whether they are as partisan as she is or not. Lantsman for Governor, Yes!
Reassuring to hear PP will face a real challenge and I hope you are right that Trump provides an example of the awful things that come out of right wing populism. Excellent analysis. Thank you!