Tired slogans in face of Trump tariffs spell real risk for Poilievre

Conservative Party of Canada leader Pierre Poilievre speaks to a crowd of supporters in Edmonton, Alta. on Wednesday, March 27, 2024. Megan Albu/Canada’s National Observer
As incoming U.S. President Donald Trump threatens a trade war to push Canadian officials to cave on a list of demands, Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre is in a political bind that represents his first real threat to his electoral chances, experts say.
Poilievre is still riding high in the polls, and his party is widely expected to form the next government, but nonetheless political scientists interviewed by Canada’s National Observer say Poilievre’s problems are piling up around him, without a clear way out, due to conservative premiers in Alberta and Ontario in open opposition to each other. For Poilievre, taking a side in the dispute risks upsetting voters he is counting on in those provinces.
The conflict between premiers Danielle Smith and Doug Ford, representing two of the country’s largest economic engines, is over how best to proceed against American tariff threats. Last week, Smith refused to sign onto a joint statement endorsed by Ontario, and every other province and territory and the federal government, agreeing on next steps if Trump imposes 25 per cent tariffs on Canadian exports. The reason, she said, was because federal officials won’t rule out cutting oil exports to the United States as leverage.
Ford said he understands the impulse to defend one’s jurisdiction, but country comes first.
"You can't let someone hit you over the head with a sledgehammer without hitting them back twice as hard, in my opinion," Ford said before the premiers' meeting. "If you have some aces, you hold on to your aces."
Poilievre has yet to take a clear position, and opponents are noticing. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called on Poilievre last week to fight for Canadians or “stand with Danielle Smith, Kevin O’Leary, and ultimately, Donald Trump.”
Don Desserud, a political science professor at the University of Prince Edward Island, said Poilievre misread what Trump’s election would mean for Canada.
“He thought that once Trump won that he was going to be best pals, and they'd work together really well… not realizing that Trump was going to come forward so aggressively against Canada,” Desserud said.
Beyond figuring out how to stand up for Canada against Trump, Poilievre has to find a way to strike a balance between Alberta and Ontario since those provinces are major bases of Conservative support needed to form the next federal government, Desserud said.
“So things have just gotten real for Poilierve,” he said. “He can't just use a clever slogan and go after an unpopular prime minister. He needs to have much more.”
The Conservative Party of Canada did not return a request for comment.
Poilievre did tell The Globe and Mail he would retaliate against Trump’s tariffs, but stopped short of any details. When asked by reporters Thursday if he would stand behind Smith’s position to shield oil and gas exports from any retaliatory measures, Poilievre dodged the question, the CBC reports.
Economic engines at odds
Smith and Ford’s dispute over how to respond to Trump’s tariffs is rooted in the economic makeup of Alberta and Ontario.
Canada exported $592 billion worth of goods to the United States in 2023, with crude oil, the vast majority of which comes from Alberta’s oilpatch, representing the country’s top export valued at $124 billion. Automobiles, most of which come from Ontario, were the country’s second largest export valued at $51 billion.
Hadrian Mertins-Kirkwood, a senior researcher with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, said when two conservative premiers are disagreeing at a time of serious threats to the Canadian economy, it’s not prime ministerial for Poilievre to hide in the shadows.
“You can imagine a federal conservative leader playing a really important conciliatory role right now between Smith and Ford,” he said. Poilievre “could be playing an important role, but I don't see any desire to do that.
“It's not the behaviour of a prime minister in waiting, but I don't think it's surprising for someone who has proven to be essentially a perpetual campaigner and an agitator.”
When a politician is in the lead, it’s dangerous to change course, Desserud said. However, staying on the sidelines also carries significant risks.
“What you end up doing is suffering the death of a thousand cuts,” he said. “If you keep saying you're not going to get involved in this one, and not get involved with that one, or that one, eventually people say, ‘Well what the heck are you involved in?’”
If Poilievre stepped up to negotiate consensus between Smith and Ford, he could more easily cast himself able to unite the country in times of crisis, he added.
Carbon tax
Poilievre’s focus to date has been on attacking Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the carbon price — an increasingly stale message since he announced his resignation in early January, Desserud said. After all, Liberal leadership front runners Mark Carney and Chrystia Freeland have already signalled dropping the price on pollution if elected.
Rather than laying out a plan to deal with tariffs, the Conservative Party launched an ad campaign last week aimed at Carney. The ads quote various times Carney has supported a price on pollution and concludes that “Carbon Tax Carney is just like Justin.”
Desserud thinks what Poilievre is missing is that the carbon tax is a dead issue.
“Flogging a dead horse is the perfect metaphor for this. It's gone, and the sting of the fact that Trudeau has to wear this is also gone because he's leaving,” Desserud said.
“So this shows to me a real poverty of ideas in that party that they don't know what else to do,” he said.
Desserud said the next federal election is not going to be about the carbon tax, the way Conservatives have planned for the past year. Instead, it will be about Canada-U.S. relations, and Poilievre doesn’t yet have a coherent position.
Asa McKercher, research chair of Canada-U.S. Relations at St. Francis Xavier University, said the Conservative focus on “axe the tax,” or any variation of their verb/noun slogans that have driven the party to the top of the polls, is now missing the moment.
“The prevailing assumption is the Conservatives will form the next government barring some crazy turn of events,” he said. “Well, if we know anything about Donald Trump, he's crazy like a shithouse rat, so maybe this is the crazy event that could turn things around.”
McKercher said he doesn’t believe the Liberals will win a majority — or even form government — but under fresh leadership mixed with an unpopular American president threatening the Canadian economy, the Conservatives could be held to a minority government.
For that reason, the Conservatives must be careful to not appear as “Trump Lite” to voters because if the Canadian economy tanks under the weight of tariffs, the Canadian public could blame Trump more than Ottawa, and politicians could find tremendous support pushing back against the Americans.
“In Canadian history we've had anti-American elections before,” he said. “There's a lot of votes to be found in that, and in particular when there's a figure like Donald Trump who is so unpopular.”
Since nobody involved here (conservative politicians or their likely voters) understands how anything works or thinks anything through there really isn't going to be any downsides to this for poilievre until there are actual undeniable consequences. All these people clearly operate on the idea that because they believe something it's true. Consequences are for other people to suffer.
Wait till they don't get their Carbon Tax Rebate!!!! If the current gov't is smart, they'll spend the cost of sending a note to all the recipients.
In the meantime, it doesn't escape me that there are many, many people who can't afford an income cut and who don't consume much fossil fuel, will be seeing a defacto income reduction.
The thing that strikes me is that the most expensive "climate" spending has been funelled directly to O & G, without oversight or any requirement for certifying that the gifts from the taxpayers have been used appropriately. You don't see gov't popping off climate project cheques to citizens in advance of their having spent the money the cheques are meant to cover.
If the current government was smart, they would have made sure people noticed their rebates in the first place.
They notify it on Facebook. But looks like it's already dead to them, because they complain about the newsfeed being blocked when it's social media being the thief in the economy.
If such no nothings take all the federal seats in Alberta, its on all Albertans.........we're already having some difficulty swallowing that fact in our fair province.
Pierre "Snake Oil Salesman" Poilievre as usual talks a lot but avoids taking a position or offering any solutions. Just a lot of buzz words and spreading disinformation via third party social media sites. The showdown with the Orange Sphincter will just reveal how weak he is with where he stands and what policies he is behind. As I mentioned before, if "Axe the Tax" is all he has, then he has lost the election when most Canadians are more concerned about housing affordability, cost of living and erosion of wages.
I have a friend who keeps hammering me that Pierre Poilievre is the real deal and that the conservative party mps are not the monsters we think they are. For a guy who has been complaining about the cost of living on the Montreal South-shore (not to forget the high chance of having a roomate) as for freaking out about transgenders reading stories to toddlers, I just hope him having the opportunity to move out with his sister and boyfriend of hers in the countryside will be beneficial. Because, if a giant condo is built next to their house, with a high rental price, PP will not stand in the way (or worse, maybe even a pipeline).
Axe the Facts on climate change
The Smith-Ford dichotomy is a bit of a red herring. Back in 1984 Brian Mulroney faced a similar conundrum when it came time to decide where to award the CF-18 maintenance contract, Winnipeg or Montreal. He simply looked at the voting tendencies and the seat counts in the two provinces. Electoral pragmatism ruled - Quebec got the contract and Mulroney got a second majority government. His decision took a few more years to reveal any true political cost. By siding with the province with the most available seats, while realizing that Albertans were going to vote for him anyway because they hated Trudeau (Senior) and the Liberals, it seemed like a win-win for him. Kim Campbell was left to deal with the fallout, in the form of Preston Manning and the Reform Party plus an electoral defeat never before witnessed in Canada. As one wag put it, "The Conservatives are moving their offices. To a two Tory building." Pierre "Skippy" Poilievre will come to a similar conclusion. He can get cozy with DoFo in the certainty that Albertans, wound up by almost a decade of "Ottawa is being unfair to you" propaganda, will still turn out massively to support what should still be known as the Reform Party of Canada.
Still.......thanks to Smith and the increasingly crazy right flank of her party, it might not be a sure thing that Alberta will return all Conservatives. Some of us in the NDP are working hard to take a few seats Federally......which also would help hold PP to a minority.
I for one, would love to watch how he figured out how to 'work with other parties'. It could even be a growth moment for the fellow.
Thank you for the article. Although a Liberal myself, I hope the next leader will get his Mulroney moment in the debate in order to at leat keep a minority government. Right now, conservatives supporters (or bots from Russian kremlin for better understanding) are spewing insults by the hundreds on every politician facebook pages as for podcasters youtube. I know it's a lost cause to respond at attacks and write that their should be a clean up of the cesspool negativity on the pages, but the "trolls" as we call them can't catch a break and stay in their corner with their Poilievre fan club, rather than wasting even their own time screaming at every opponent page.
I agree its getting pretty bad........which is why I keep insisting that those of us who still possess some modicum of reason..........refuse the bad mouthing and keep telling the whole Truth. The truth is hard enough to swallow, without the vitriol.......and bot or not, the PP supporters know what they are defending.
The long term end of life on earth, for their short term economic benefit. Shouting matches are all they have left. We should refuse to participate in them....since we do have reason, objective reality, and perhaps even a bit of truth..........on our side.
A dilemma for PP can only be a good thing.
While I never imagined wanting to thank Trump for anything, I am relieved that his attack on Canada may inform some voters who've been enjoying the vitriol of PP's approach to politics...while remaining essentially clueless about who it is that PP actually works for.........
It's time all Canadians realized that Big Oil is not a Canadian institution.......it's largely foreign owned and primarily interested in extracting what value remains in Alberta's tarsands.
Sure, we've all learned the euphemism and call them oil sands.........but its not a liquid we extract through in situ mining........it's an asphalt like substance called bitumen. Perhaps in the recession those tariffs are going to cause, more of us will have the time to research the full truth about bitumen...what it takes to upgrade it, liquify it so it can get through those big pipes under pressure, load it on those tankers increasing the loss of our great whales...and ship it to refineries in the Gulf states where the refineries poison primarily children of colour.
Sure its a wealth creator for some. It's also an earth destroyer, a water poisoner, and a global heating accelerant. And yes.....I know the preferred term is climate change...but it too is a euphemism. Used because that term disguises the real threat: RISING TEMPERATURES.
We have Big Fossil Fuels and fossil fools to thank for our burning boreal....higher temperatures, dryer forests, greater lightning storms....and so the positive feedback loops continue to accelerate the climate catastrophe.
Like it or not TBA and other denialists: You can't blame it all on Arson.
There is only one politician today who has been talking seriously of an energy transition for years, and who has explained how to do it, and that's Mark Carney. The difference is he's coming at it from the world of finance, not political activism.
He has also talked and written extensively about diversifying our markets, but not from the fossil fuel perspective we hear every day from the typical mouthpieces. Diversifying markets also means diversifying Canada's internal economy, to which Carney recommends massively building up clean energy and deeply supporting knowledge and R&D. He cites the data on the huge global growth rate in renewables and the levelling off of oil and gas financing.
It seems not many people have heard his message. Most recently he and Chrystia Freeland have spoken from the same script on responding to Trump's tariff threats, and they refer directly to strengthening our economic ties with our European and Asian allies.
But Carney is the only politician out there espousing a long term strategy to fully embrace the transition. It seems he is a lone voice singing to an empty hall, and progressives seem to be missing it mainly because he is percieved as being an elite banker and is therefore automatically discounted. The fact is he was also a public servant who regulated the banks duribg crisis periods and understands both.
Oil may be our top export, but it comprises a single digit of our GDP. About 92% of our national GDP is not about fossil fuels. Moreover, the oil is refined mainly in the US. Very little value is captured by refining it into higher value products at home. That was planned because the foreign owned companies bought out the Alberta government and directed it to ship the raw product to their refineries down south and get Canadian taxpayers to subsidize production and take the environmental hit.
Meanwhile, hypocritical pro oil Canadian politicos talked incessantly about "diversifying markets" for exported oil, meaning get the public to pony up for more pipelines to the US while lying about their stated intentions to ship it to Asia and magically garner premium prices for it, even though it is a poor quality product that is sold to specialized US heavy oil refineries for a lower price. They labelled that as an unfair "discount" despite beibg the ones who created the situation in the first place. This is called speaking from two sides of their face.
Carney doesn't seem to want to pay any attention to that narrative, and couches most of his discussions around clean energy and true economic diversification. He steered two nations through two major economic crises and now speaks extensively about the transition and climate initiatives.
That is very refreshing.