British Columbia's seniors advocate welcomes newly announced federal funding for seniors' health care, and says she's particularly excited about the promise to support seniors at home.
A report by British Columbia's seniors advocate says the province ranks last in Canada in providing key financial support to elders, with 84 per cent of its low-income seniors sometimes running out of money to buy food.
Forty per cent of British Columbia's long-term care staff who were surveyed by the province's advocate for seniors said they went into work at least once in the past year feeling sick, a report reveals.
A plastic barrier sits on a table between Debbie Drew and her father during their visits in the reception area of a long-term care home where the first Canadian died of COVID-19.
A new policy that has pharmacists restricting patients to a 30-day supply of their medications means some people are having to pay dispensing fees two or three times over.
The appointment of a minister of loneliness in the United Kingdom to tackle social isolation is an acknowledgment of a problem Canadian experts say needs to be addressed here as well.