Emilia Belliveau

About Emilia Belliveau
Emilia Belliveau has worked on climate and environmental justice issues since 2012, as a community organizer, academic researcher, campaigner with environmental non-profits, and as a policy analyst in the British Columbia Ministry of Energy. Before joining Environmental Defence, she worked with remote First Nations in BC to accelerate the transition off diesel with community-led renewable energy projects and energy efficiency. Emilia holds a master’s degree from the University of Victoria (UVic). At UVic she was involved with the Corporate Mapping Project, which investigated how corporate power is organized and exercised by the fossil fuel industry.
Killing climate action — one closed-door meeting at a time
Fossil fuel companies and industry organizations use revolving doors of employment, closed-door meetings, casual encounters, and personal relationships to expand their influence on laws and policies, especially when it comes to climate change.
It’s time for the oil and gas industry to pay for climate pollution
The federal government should include a windfall tax when it delivers its budget today and use those funds to increase government climate action.
Here's an economic way you can stop oil expansion
Inspired by the success of the divestment movement against apartheid in the 1980s, students are campaigning for fossil fuel divestment.