Harvey McKinnon

About Harvey McKinnon
Harvey McKinnon is an author, keynote speaker and fundraising expert. He led the award-winning national campaign: Anyone But Conservatives – Canadian Veterans Campaign 2015. He has published four books including the number one bestseller: The Power of Giving. He has served on many boards: in the arts, the environment and international development.
Harvey McKinnon: It's time for Vancouver to elect its first woman mayor
It's hard for me as a man talk about what women face in the political realm, but as an observer of social behaviour, I can tell you they have a much harder time than men.
Great books from 2016
We'd like you to give you a list of the best books of the year, but since we couldn't read all of the 250,000 books published in 2016, here's a selection of some of the great ones.
The #TrumpBookReports tweets we wish we wrote
"Look, I don't know Voldemort. He said nice things about me. If we got along with the Death Eaters, wouldn't be so bad."
There are "many people" saying stuff in Donald Trump's head
A careful analysis of his tweets and speeches lead to only one conclusion. The "many people" who Donald Trump is referring to are just the many voices in his head.
Donald Trump and the hashtag games
For most people, Twitter is a waste of time. But hey, that's what makes it fun.
Vote as if it's an emergency, Canada.
We're in the midst of a climate emergency. Canada is warming at twice the rate as the world at large. Do you think Scheer, who has spent years trashing carbon pricing, will treat the climate or the environment as a priority?