Stephen Patenaude

About Stephen Patenaude
From Montreal, Québec, Stephen received his BA in Outdoor Recreation, Parks and Tourism, with a certificate in Entrepreneurship from Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ontario. His work and academic experience in the outdoor industry has reinforced his passion towards promoting sustainable and ethical practices regarding natural resources and the environment.
Women suffer most when disaster strikes
In every country across the world, women are disproportionately affected by disasters — and not just by a little, write Victoria Ker, Erica Steele, Stephen Patenaude and Brayden Pelham.
Canada needs proactive climate change strategies now to avoid huge disaster bills later
"Unless Canada is willing to plan ahead, rural communities with the lowest capacity to cover costs of (climate-related disaster) disruption will continue to be hardest hit," write UBC grad students Victoria Ker, Erica Steele, Stephen Patenaude and Brayden Pelham.