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For most people, Twitter is a waste of time. But hey, that's what makes it fun.

That's also why National Observer has decided to share the fun with you and save you time. We’ll bring you highlights of Twitter, from time to time.

Twitter has two specialties: One, crowd-sourced breaking news. And two, the ability for thousands of people to write and circulate one-line gags. You'll find these jokes most often in the form of “hashtag games.”

Every day you'll see that a “hashtag game” will be trending on Twitter. This means a lot of people are writing jokes, and many more reading them.

A funny recent trending hashtag was: #RuinShakespeare. Example:

And the best are often political hashtags such as: #TrumpFilms

Here are some of the best, curated just for you.

Let us know what you think, and if you’d like to see more compilations.

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