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Gov. Chris Christy's Republican National Convention speech tonight devolved into Salem witch trial.

As he named Hillary's 'crimes', a deranged-sounding crowd chanted over and over 'lock her up.'

I've never witnessed anything quite this misogynist in American politics. The ugly, ugly Trump effect.

I can't remember an uglier spectacle on American TV.

Christy is clearly desperate for significance. Like Trump, whose twisted character he praised, this psychopath is scary.

But as my friend, Jordan Yerman says, "Chris Christie impugning someone else's character... Will the acid in puke permanently damage a smartphone screen? I'm asking for a friend.

Chris Christy humiliates himself Thursday night even more than he already has for Donald Trump.

Too ridiculous for words, but at the end of that weird and scary evening riding the hate train, they actually played ' Get on the Love Train'.

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Chris Christie has the glazed and terrified look of someone who has traded his inheritance for no pottage at all, who has watched his credibility dry up and is about to be led back to his basement cage, having lost Winterfell for good.