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Episode 5
May 9th 2023

They Did Not Break Us

This podcast is a co-production with Canadaland.

Please be warned this episode contains stories of violence and sexual assault.

This episode looks at how women are reclaiming their role as mothers, teachers, leaders, and sacred beings, despite everything colonialism has thrown at them. We interview three women whose stories intersect:

Terri Brown, a former chief of the Tahltan First Nation in British Columbia, and former president of the Native Women’s Association (NWAC)

Dr. Beverly Jacobs, Mohawk, Six Nations, is the Senior Advisor to the President on Indigenous Relations and Outreach at the University of Windsor and an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Law, who is also a former President of NWAC

Tori Cress, Ojibway and Pottawattami, G’Chimnissing is a land and water defender.