Maeva Vilain

About Maeva Vilain
Maeva Vilain is a city councillor in Jeanne Mance, one of the Plateau Mont-Royal districts in Montreal. Elected under the banner of Projet Montréal, she is on the team of Mayor Valérie Plante, who has been running the city since November 2017. Maeva sits on the Committee on Economic Development and Housing, as well as that of the Inspector General.
She was the political attaché to the NDP MP Alexandre Boulerice from 2011 to 2017. She has also been a journalist for Radio-Canada International, specializing in international news and the integration of newcomers to Canada.
Cities need a rescue plan. $10B proposed by the Federation of Cdn Municipalities is a good start.
The federal and provincial governments must roll out a powerful rescue plan for cities: the $10 billion emergency fund proposed by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities would be a good start.