Nrinder Nann

About Nrinder Nann
Nrinder Nann serves as Ward 3 City Councillor in Hamilton, Ontario, and was elected in October 2018. She is a community builder at heart who believes cities can be powerful places for people-driven change for issues sush as Climate, Equity & Housing justice. Nrinder spearheaded the declaration of a climate emergency, a strategy to eliminate single-use plastics, the exploration of a vacant homes tax, the end of incentive grants to property owners practicing "renovictions," and the integration of an equity framework to all city systems, investments and services. Nrinder serves on Hamilton’s COVID-19 Economic Recovery Task Force.
Cities need a rescue plan. $10B proposed by the Federation of Cdn Municipalities is a good start.
The federal and provincial governments must roll out a powerful rescue plan for cities: the $10 billion emergency fund proposed by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities would be a good start.