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CNO’s Cloe Logan nominated for Atlantic Journalism Award

Cloe Logan is a reporter with Canada's National Observer based in Halifax, where she writes about climate solutions. Photo by: Alison Boulier for Canada's National Observer

Canada’s National Observer is proud to announce that our Atlantic Canada reporter Cloe Logan is nominated for an Atlantic Journalism Award in the long feature category.

Cloe’s story, A Tale of Two Coasts: How Canada’s Approach to Fish Farming Differs from East to West, examined the contradictory approach by the federal government to fish farming on the East and West coasts. At the same time as Fisheries and Oceans Canada is forcing fish farms to close in B.C., there are no impediments to expansion plans by the fish farming industry in Atlantic Canada.

Cloe grew up in B.C., and her understanding of West Coast politics and ecological issues enabled her to spot this contradiction and informed the story. Her deep understanding of the complex world of fishery politics shines in the story and her keen eye for detail makes it sing.

CNO founder and publisher Linda Solomon Wood said, “I’m so proud of Cloe Logan’s outstanding work.”

As Cloe’s editor, I can tell you she is a wonderful reporter who has it all. She frequently sets off in her camper van to meet people face-to-face for stories outside Halifax and works her magic with words and her camera.

Congratulations to @cloeIlogan for her nomination for an Atlantic Journalism Award in long feature writing.

Cloe said it is an honour to be nominated alongside other impactful Atlantic stories last year. “I’m very grateful to the people who let me into their homes in Nova Scotia to be interviewed and photographed for the piece, as well as the multitude of sources from both coasts who took the time to speak with me about this complex and timely subject.”

Other nominees include Lindsay Jones from the Globe and Mail for “A Hospital’s Mistake” and Aaron Beswick from the Chronicle Herald for “Dying in Cumberland.”
