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A utopian vision for a climate-friendly world

#2421 of 2589 articles from the Special Report: Race Against Climate Change
Perhaps some relief for climate anxiety about our planet can be found by imagining what the world would look like if we embraced these climate-friendly measures — in 2029. Markus Spiske/Pexels

Another Earth Day has come and gone. Delegates are in Ottawa this week to hammer out a global plastics treaty. These events happened against a backdrop of continued uncertainty about our commitment to fighting climate change. Carbon pricing, electric vehicles and other climate-friendly measures are taking a back seat to pocketbook issues such as affordability. This kind of short-term thinking is creating anxiety amongst young people and climate activists who desperately want to be more hopeful about the future. Perhaps some relief for climate anxiety can be found by imagining what the world would look like if we embraced these climate-friendly measures.

My vision begins with this scenario in Calgary in the year 2029.

Dust rises above a group of volunteers digging shovels and bare hands into fresh soil as they plant seedlings for Calgary’s latest community forest project in a field next to the Shepard Energy Centre north of the Calgary Ring Road. Boisterous chatter and the invigorating smell of fresh soil fill the air.

After retiring its Shepard electricity plant, Enmax converted the site into Canada’s first hybrid power plant with two gigawatts (GW) of solar capacity, 500 megawatts (MW) of geothermal and four GW-hours of energy storage. With this additional capacity, Alberta’s electricity grid is now over 90 per cent emissions-free.

The province also invested in a tenfold increase in its power-sharing capacity between Montana, Saskatchewan and British Columbia. Power-sharing between regions now satisfies peak demand when renewable capacity is low and avoids firing up the few remaining combined-cycle gas plants.

Perhaps some relief for climate anxiety can be found by imagining what the world would look like if we embraced these climate-friendly measures — in 2029, writes @winexus #abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli #ClimateChange #EarthDay

Calgary’s transit system has been fully electrified and the fuel cost savings put towards expanding service into a hub-and-spoke design that more efficiently uses the CTrain lines and shortens routes for electric buses.

The city is also continually expanding its cycle-track network to rival bike-friendly urban centres like Montreal and Vancouver. Bike lanes are bustling with e-scooters and e-bikes from April through October and many hardy souls continue to commute by bike year-round.

Over the years, the expected strain on the electricity grid never materialized as new building codes required solar panels on residential and commercial buildings, increased thermal insulation and heat pumps to help reduce air-conditioning demand in the hottest months of summer.

Smart meters and bidirectional electric vehicle chargers allow utilities to use vehicles and residential battery storage as virtual power plants when demand spikes. Despite a growing population, energy consumption is now lower than it was at the turn of the century.

As society struggled through what is now recognized as the last decade of the fossil fuel era, we reached an inflection point where global demand for polluting energy finally began to decline. Turmoil ensued in the oil markets and prices plummeted.

Industry panic was triggered by the bankruptcy of Chevron, one of the world’s largest petroleum companies, and Alberta experienced the biggest oil bust in its history. These were tough times for Albertans because little had been done to prepare for the global decline in petroleum demand.

Hard times spur transformation and the “great bust” kick-started a race to rebuild Alberta’s energy economy based on abundant wind and solar resources. Rural communities that once feared renewable energy now embraced the jobs, reliable revenues and increasing tax base.

After years of steadily rising temperatures, persistent drought and wildfire smoke, agricultural producers were ready for the lifeline offered by wind and solar companies. They’d also become increasingly frustrated with the oil industry as jobs vanished and the abandoned well count approached 400,000 sites, a massive cleanup liability for all Albertans.

It’s now apparent the oil and gas industry never had any intention of cleaning up its mess as profits evaporated and operations in the oilsands were shuttered. Corporations continue to walk away from their businesses, forcing the provincial government to become caretakers of a declining industry. This exodus is having a surprisingly positive result.

Without the financial resources to fund lobbyists, greenwashing campaigns and right-wing media corporations, it’s now much easier for federal and provincial governments to introduce climate-friendly policies. As political campaign funding dries up for oil-loving populist parties, support for climate action amongst conservatives is actually growing — and rapidly. Conservatives are seeing opportunities for new businesses and their traditional nature-friendly values are re-emerging.

We are in a golden era of regenerative dialogue. Extractive and polluting industries are regulated and their relentless consumption of resources is curtailed. Forestry companies are forced to adopt selective logging practices and plant diverse, regenerative ecosystems where clear-cutting is still allowed. Logging of old-growth forests is banned across the country.

Land has been returned to Indigenous communities, beginning with the land title agreement with the Haida Nation in 2024. As a result, an ecosystem services economy emerged, bringing new revenue and livelihoods in nature-based stewardship. Wildfires are declining in size and intensity as Indigenous communities assume responsibility for managing boreal forests. In Alberta, new microclimates are developing to restore the desiccated hydrologic cycle.

When green building standards were introduced, energy demand plummeted as strategically placed shade trees, living walls and rooftop gardens became standard features. Urban forestry budgets were doubled and the destructive cycle of tree loss reversed. All this greenery contributed to cleaner air and reduced urban heat islands that were becoming a health issue across the country.

As the world transitions to a more peaceful and co-operative society, it’s become apparent that much of the polarization was driven by a dying fossil industry fighting to preserve its wealth and power. All levels of government have now agreed to revise the Constitution to protect nature and prevent extractive industries from regaining a stranglehold on society.

As countries started working collaboratively on efforts to transition economies to prioritize ecosystem services, millions of acres of forest, grasslands, wetlands and mangroves were restored. A revolution in regenerative agriculture improved soil health and prevented the demise of a food system that had been reaching a breaking point as the planet heated to unsustainable levels.

Our world still isn’t perfect, but it finally feels like a catastrophe has been avoided. Everything is recovering rapidly, including our relationships with each other. Children no longer experience despair when they learn about global warming because we can point to all the progress being made. It may take centuries to get back to the pristine world we once had, but we’re finally on a path that will take us there.

You may feel like this utopian outcome is impossible to achieve, but we have all the required knowledge and solutions right now. We can decide which future we will build. Do we want to continue building fossil fuel infrastructure and increasing our carbon pollution or is the utopian vision something worth striving for? National Hockey League great Wayne Greztky once said, “You miss 100 per cent of the shots you don’t take.”

Rob Miller is a retired systems engineer, formerly with General Dynamics Canada, who now volunteers with the Calgary Climate Hub and writes on behalf of Eco-Elders for Climate Action, but any opinions expressed in his work are his own.
