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Agnes Richard

Agnes Richard

About Agnes Richard

Agnes Richard is a climate reality leader trained with former U.S. Vice President Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project, and a Laudato Si’ animator with the Global Catholic Climate Movement (GCCM). Working with an advisory circle, Faith & the Common Good, and GCCM international, Agnes is coordinator of the Global Catholic Climate Movement - Canada, a nation-wide network of catholics focused on raising awareness about Laudato Si’, and inspiring catholics to act publicly to bring the values of ecological justice to life in Canada.
She is a member several advisory committees: the “For the Love of Creation” general working group, the “Forum for Integral Human Ecology” of Catholic Conscience, and the Advisory Circle for Villa St. Joseph Ecology and Spirituality Centre.
Agnes is the mother of two lovely daughters, and works to ensure they inherit a just and stable environment in which to thrive.

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