Brandon Moffatt

About Brandon Moffatt
Brandon Moffatt is co-founder at StormFisher Hydrogen with experience developing regulatory and industry policy in renewable energy. He has led the development, design and construction of several complex renewable gas production facilities across North America and has a detailed understanding of the commercial and operational aspects of power-to-hydrogen and power-to-gas projects. Brandon is also a board member of the Ontario Environment Industry Association, has an MBA from the Odette School of Business and holds a B.A.Sc. in environmental engineering from the University of Waterloo.
Climate Action 2.0 starts with certainty and access to capital green economy leaders
Climate Action 2.0 also means acknowledging Canada is now in a competition with other advanced nations that are building their own foundations to attract the top talent of the green economy.
We owe it to our children to think outside the box on biogas
There are several energy innovators in Canada that have made huge strides in adopting low- or no-carbon solutions by blending energy sources with the goal of helping large and small energy users achieve their 2030 goals. One solution is renewable natural gas.