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Christina Seidel

Christina Seidel

About Christina Seidel

Christina Seidel holds a PhD in eEngineering management and has an extensive background in circular economy and waste reduction. She operates sonnevera international corp., a waste reduction consulting firm, and was the executive director of the Recycling Council of Alberta for 30 years, where she has been very involved in the waste management policy development arena. Christina has worked on life cycle assessments (LCAs) for used oil management and tire recycling programs, and has led circular economy and EPR advocacy efforts. She was also a member of the National Zero Waste Council and the Canada Plastics Pact, chaired the Canadian Standards Association’s plastics recycling: definitions, reporting and measuring technical committee, and was a member of former environment minister Catherine McKenna’s Plastics Advisory Group. Christina has spoken across Canada and internationally on waste issues and is also well-known for her project management and facilitation abilities.

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