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Cloe Logan

Cloe Logan

Journalist | Halifax
About Cloe Logan

Cloe Logan is Canada's National Observer's Atlantic reporter covering climate, the environment and politics. Cloe has also contributed to reporting on federal policy thanks to a grant from the Local Journalism Initiative and the Government of Canada.

After graduating from the Langara Journalism program, Cloe worked as a staff reporter for the Parksville Qualicum Beach News on Vancouver Island covering municipal politics. Prior to that, she contributed to an investigation into inauthentic Indigenous art sold in Vancouver's souvenir shops with The Discourse, which was nominated for a Jack Webster Award.

In 2023, Cloe received a silver award at the Atlantic Journalism Awards for her three-part series on Canada's only underground coal mine in the digital long form category. She was also awarded a fellowship from the Metcalf Institute, which included a week at the University of Rhode Island learning about the natural, social, and engineering research guiding an equitable transition to clean energy.

In 2024, Cloe's story A tale of two coasts received a bronze award in the Long Feature Category at the Atlantic Journalism Awards.

372 Articles

Opponents tell court Bay du Nord was unlawfully approved

On Monday, lawyers on behalf of Sierra Club Canada, Equiterre and Mi'gmawe'l Tplu'taqnn Incorporated (MTI) — a group representing eight Mi’gmaq communities in New Brunswick – argued that the federal government’s approval of the Bay du Nord project failed to consider marine traffic from transporting oil and that the process fell short in consulting Indigenous communities.