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Christine Ahn

Christine Ahn

About Christine Ahn

Christine Ahn is the founder and international co-ordinator of Women Cross DMZ, a global movement of women mobilizing to end the Korean War, reunite families, and ensure women’s leadership in peace building. She is co-founder of the Korea Peace Network, Korea Policy Institute, and Global Campaign to Save Jeju Island. She has addressed the United Nations, U.S. Congress, and the Republic of Korea’s National Human Rights Commission. Christine has been a policy analyst at the Global Fund for Women, Oakland Institute, Institute for Food & Development Policy, and Nautilus Institute. A columnist with Foreign Policy in Focus, her writings have been published in The New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, CNN and The Nation. She has appeared on Al Jazeera, Anderson Cooper 360, BBC, CBC, CNN, Democracy Now!, NBC Today Show, NPR, the Samantha Bee Show, and Voice of America.

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