Vulnerable nations lay out demands ahead of COP26 climate talks

LONDON (AP) — A group comprising dozens of nations particularly vulnerable to the effects of global warming has laid out its key demands ahead of the upcoming UN climate summit in Glasgow.
These include getting rich countries to commit to fulfil and step up their pledges of financial assistance to help them battle climate change, more frequent updates on national plans for cutting greenhouse gas emissions, and the development of a system to compensate poor countries for climate-related damages.
Officials from the 48 countries that make up the Climate Vulnerable Forum said a recent UN science report highlighted the urgent need for action to ensure that global warming doesn't rise above 1.5 Celsius.
Scientists say the goal, set in Paris six years ago, is increasingly at risk unless emissions drop soon.
The vulnerable nations said they want diplomats in Glasgow to agree on how they will deliver the $100 billion that rich countries pledged to give poorer nations each year to tackle global warming, and for half the funds to be dedicated to adaptation. Figures for 2019 show only about $80 billion was provided, with most of the money earmarked for mitigation measures to reduce emissions.
“There is a shortfall to the $100 billion and a total imbalance in funding with completely insufficient resources for adaptation,” Bangladesh's Environment Secretary Mostafa Kamal said in the statement.
The group also called for governments to update their emissions goals at each annual climate summit, something rich countries currently only do every five years. Some major emitters, such as China, want to set new targets even less frequently.
“This is the only measure that could give the vulnerable nations hope to keep 1.5 within reach,” said Ethiopia's commissioner for the environment, forests and climate change Fekadu Beyene.
In what may be its most ambitious demand, the CVF further called for the Glasgow climate summit to agree on developing a system of financial compensation to cover what is known as “loss and damage” resulting from climate change. The idea is strongly opposed by rich polluting countries, who fear they would have to foot the bill. A demand for a five per cent levy on proceeds from emissions trading is likewise contentious.
The UN summit in Glasgow, known as COP26, will bring together thousands of diplomats, scientists, and environmental activists from around the world to assess progress since the Paris climate accord was signed in 2015. It begins Oct. 31.