Daycare poisonings show high cost of red tape reduction

There are few things conservatives love more than talking about cutting “red tape” and some have even gone so far as to name cabinet ministers to that role. That includes Alberta, where Dale Nally, the “minister of red tape reduction”, has taken to bragging about how many regulations his government has removed since 2019. “Ultimately,” he told the Medicine Hat News in February, “red tape reduction is the unnecessary regulatory compliance that makes life difficult for job creators and Albertans.”
But as the more than 300 parents and children sickened by an E. coli outbreak at a series of Calgary daycares are finding out right now, the red tape getting cut can sometimes be what was protecting you from other people’s carelessness — or worse. A common kitchen owned by Fueling Minds that serves multiple affiliated daycare centres has been identified as the source of the outbreak, and it’s a minor miracle people didn’t get sick sooner. It’s had problems with Alberta Health Services (AHS) inspections dating back to 2021, when everything from unsafe dishwashers and improperly mixed sanitizer to food being transported without refrigeration and even an invalid food handling permit were noted by inspectors. Many of these problems were identified again during subsequent inspections, which speaks to the lack of compliance or any consequences flowing from it. On the most recent visit, AHS inspectors even found cockroaches — two live and more than 20 dead in sticky traps.
And yet, despite all these problems and the obvious inability to address them properly, the facility was never closed down by inspectors. Parents whose children were being fed food produced at the facility were never warned about these ongoing deficiencies and would only have known if they actively sought out the inspection reports. It’s fair to wonder if this dangerously light touch is because the AHS inspectors have decided to err on the side of keeping businesses open — the government that employs them, after all, clearly takes a dim view of “unnecessary regulatory compliance that makes life difficult for job creators," as red tape reduction minister Nally put it.
If this all sounds familiar, it should. There are echoes of the Walkerton E. coli outbreak in 2000, one that killed seven people in Ontario and sickened more than 2,000 after drinking water was contaminated by agricultural runoff. Lax testing and monitoring by the Walkerton Public Utilities Commission was ultimately identified as one of the contributing factors behind the outbreak, along with the failure of the provincial government to properly enforce its regulations.
Not coincidentally, the province was also being run by a regulation-phobic conservative government that had privatized the labs that tested municipal water for contamination back in 1996. As the Globe and Mail’s John Saunders reported in 2002, “Despite expert advice to implement the change over a two- to three-year period, the Tories rushed the privatization through in two months… Even worried scientists and other officials felt powerless to push for tighter rules with the government determined to slash red tape.”
One of the key lessons contained in the two-volume report from the Walkerton Inquiry was the need for redundancy in certain areas of regulatory oversight. "Redundancy was an essential lesson of the Walkerton inquiry, that we need to have in place safeguards so that if something goes wrong at one level, you can catch it at the next level," Theresa McClenaghan, the executive director and counsel for the Canadian Environmental Law Association, told the CBC in 2020.
The thought of so many children getting so sick from their daycare lunches and snacks is a sobering reminder that less isn’t always more when it comes to government oversight and regulation. Our governments don’t exist to clear the way for businesses or to ensure that their regulatory burdens are as light as possible. They exist to protect and promote the welfare of their citizens — especially the well-being of children and other vulnerable populations.
Time will tell whether this latest E. coli outbreak finally drives that point home for Canada’s red-tape-obsessed conservatives. Focusing purely on the number of regulations we have rather than their quality is like judging someone’s intelligence by how many books they own rather than their contents — and whether they’ve even read them.
It’s long past time for a more mature and sophisticated approach here, one that sees regulation as a form of collective insurance rather than an obstacle to individual prosperity.
As we’re seeing right now in Calgary, red-tape reduction isn’t a free lunch. Instead, it’s a meal that can come at an incredibly high cost — one that’s being paid by innocent children and their families.
Pierre Poilievre wants to "fire the gatekeepers" as well. That's another Harper era move. I hope people remember this when the next election arrives.
Meanwhile, Pierre Poilievre a gatekeeper himself as a slum landlord, shouting Axe the Tax while the country burns. At the same time, his naive followers demand something be done about climate change, but as long as there are no direct impacts to them. Conservative premiers quietly dismantling environmental and green initiatives for their corrupt donors. Cutting back on healthcare, education and other programs constantly, none of which has resulted in reduced taxes for the tax payers. Clearly cutting back services is to feed something else that benefits the government and their corrupt donors.
Cries for red tape reduction, but the end result is companies becoming lax around safety measures. It never ends with conservatives and their naive base.
I found it interesting that millennials are very concerned about climate change, yet are willing to vote conservative. I don't understand how you can support a party that won't even acknowledge that climate change is real, if you are truly concerned about climate change. Maybe it is like everything else, it's a trend and you jump on the bandwagon, until something else comes along. Who knows how genuine their concern really is.
People can be surprisingly self-contradictory. They can really believe two opposite things at the same time, as long as they don't notice the connection. And if the connection is brought to their attention, they generally react by continuing to almost-really believe both things, but be more angry and aggressive about it because of their underlying doubts.
Millennials and the generations following them are quick to follow memes ... and slow to ask questions (especially salient questions) or seek out actual research.
The majority of Canadians have only experienced neoliberal politics and economics, which if no regulation, no uions as wages and benefits are a cost, lower taxes to reduce government revenue, hence the 2 % cut by Harper of the GST and Alberta reducing business taxes to 8%, the lowest in North America. How many businesses did that start?
Individual responsibility is neoliberal mantra, meaning no pensions, pay for health care and education which we see happening live in Alberta. Cannot afford rent or purchase, well that's your fault for not saving! Every service and public asset to be privatized, no matter the cost. The more conservative donors who can profit off public funds, the better! And all the while gaslighting us how trickle down economics makes us all wealthy. How I am doing so far? You all have noticed that regular workers are really struggling with housing and food, yet our Conservative Premiers and Conservative leaders has no idea how to deal with this! Sort of like the financial crisis of 2008, then followed by COVID19 where that free-market was useless as were most government s were.
So get used to red tape reduction. Mulroney and then Harper killed our Canadian World Class disease warning system. They changed doctors to beancounters and all scientists and medical professionals left. Housing? Who started the cuts to CMHC social, affordable and lower cost subsidized housing Conservative PM, Mulroney again.
That free market in housing sure has been successful for our younger folks, hasn't it. Tongue in cheek. Yet with all the Conservative concern with red tape, 10s of thousands of immigrants who are in Canada cannot get approved in their professions, plus many more cannot even get to Canada due to a huge red tape obstacle
As the previous comments show we humans do a passable job of 20/20 hindsight but we aren't as good at prediction - at least we tend to discount it - until it shows up in the rear view mirror. We seem to have difficulty in adjusting to change, probably always have had which is why Darwin's insight about adaptability and survival is still so prescient. We now have the capacity (through science) to "influence" adaptability and survivability, if we have the courage and brains to grasp it. That is the part in doubt. It seems likely that severe pruning of human hubris is looming. Possibly, hopefully, it is not too late
Rather than muddy the waters of my previous comment I'd like to state categorically, that greed and corruption are generally the genesis of humanity's most bone headed thinking and actions. This is probably related to our vestigial dinosaur instincts. One can certainly detect the fear behind the current iteration of so-called "conservative thinking". Behind fear is the potent force of ignorance, especially the wilful self serving kind, that results in the hoarding behaviours so patently rampant in the 1% caste.. Fundamentalist/fatalist blood and guts religions are another manifestation of fear and a predictable "huddling" human response when flight or fight won't serve.