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Max Fawcett

Max Fawcett

Lead Columnist | Calgary
About Max Fawcett

Max Fawcett is Canada's National Observer's lead columnist. His brilliant essays and opinions are read and valued by millions of Canadians.

We're not sure how he finds so much time to write three substantial, searing columns a week and tweet through the day. Yet proof that he can and does is vivid on Twitter, where he engages in intense, irreverent conversations on politics and policy, with a special focus on the Smith government of Alberta.

His Canada's National Observer columns are regularly highlighted on National Newswatch, and he is a frequent guest on leading podcasts and radio shows.

Max's writing has been published in The Globe and Mail, Maclean's, The Walrus and CBC and he has been an executive editor at both Alberta Oil Magazine and Vancouver Magazine.

He lives in Calgary.

434 Articles
Jason Kenney, then-leader of the United Conservative Party of Alberta was the keynote speaker of the final plenary session of the Manning Networking Conference 2018.

Alberta's war room waves the white flag

The war room’s long list of self-owns and other humiliating defeats is so well and widely known by now that even its staunchest defenders quietly acknowledge them. There will be no tearful eulogies for its contribution to the conversation around energy policy in Canada, and the only people who will miss it are the ones — like me — who used its constant follies as fodder for their own output.
  • Profile photo of Max Fawcett