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ali kazimi

Ali Kazimi

About Ali Kazimi

Ali Kazimi is an award-winning filmmaker, media artist and author. His films have received national and international honours and awards, been screened in prestigious festivals and broadcast nationally and internationally. Runaway Grooms (2005) was the recipient of the Donald Britain Award for Best Social/Political documentary presented under the Gemini Awards. His feature documentary Continuous Journey (2004), alongside his book, Undesirables: White Canada and the Komagata Maru (2011), have played a key role in shedding light on the forgotten histories of early South Asian migration to Canada. He is an associate professor in the Department of Cinema & Media Arts at York University, where he has also served as the chair of the department. In 2019, he received the Governor General’s Award in Visual and Media Arts, Canada’s foremost distinction for excellence in visual and media arts. The same year University of British Columbia conferred him with a doctor of letters (honoris causa).

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