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Anjali Appadurai

Anjali Appadurai

About Anjali Appadurai

Anjali Appadurai is a climate justice advocate and communicator. She began her career as an activist in international climate politics, organizing young people from around the world to build a strong youth and civil society voice at the UN Climate Convention. Appadurai has worked on issues of fossil fuel accountability and climate justice in the non-profit sector in British Columbia for the past seven years. She is now climate justice lead at Sierra Club BC and sectoral organizer at the newly formed Climate Emergency Unit. She recently formed the Padma Centre for Climate Justice, an organization that will provide a space for young people from Global South diasporas and immigrant communities to come together around issues of climate change, globalization and equity.

Appadurai ran as the NDP candidate in Vancouver Granville in the recent federal election.

3 Articles