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Christie Stephenson

Christie Stephenson

Executive Director of the Dhillon Centre for Business Ethics at UBC Sauder School of Business | Vancouver, B.C.
About Christie Stephenson

Christie Stephenson is the Executive Director of the Dhillon Centre for Business Ethics at UBC Sauder School of Business. She also currently serves on the boards of Canadian Business for Social Responsibility and the UBC Staff Pension Plan ($1.7 bil AUM), as well as on the governance committee at BlueShore Financial.

Before joining UBC Sauder in 2016, Christie spent more than 15 years at socially responsible and impact investing firms Sustainalytics (then Jantzi Research Associates), NEI Investments (Ethical Funds) and Purpose Capital (now Rally Assets).

She also has more than two decades of diverse board experience, having served as a director of a charity, several cooperatives, numerous non-profits, two university senates, and several private companies ranging from startup phase to $100 million in annual revenue.

She is a regular media commentator, university lecturer, and frequent speaker to industry and public audiences on topics related to governance, business responsibility and responsible investing.

Christie has an undergraduate degree from University of Victoria and a graduate degree from McGill University, studied Chinese in Beijing, and is fluent in both Canada’s official languages.

1 Article

It’s time to make Canada a leader in sustainable finance

Without meaningful action on climate risk, Canada risks falling further behind our global peers. The Expert Panel notes that the relationship between the economy and the environment is at a “critical inflection point.” Let’s hope the Expert Panel on Sustainable Finance’s final report sets out a path to bring Canada’s financial institutions and capital markets into the new climate reality.
  • Profile photo of Christie Stephenson
  • Profile photo of Kevin Quinlan