Halena Seiferling

About Halena Seiferling
Halena Seiferling is the executive director of a Vancouver-based non-profit, and has also worked in climate change adaptation policy and living wage organizing. She has a master's in public policy and her writing has appeared in The Tyee, The Vancouver Sun, The Times Colonist, Briarpatch Magazine, Eco-Anxious Stories, and more. Visit her website at https://www.halenaseiferling.com.
The ‘freedom convoy’ shows why we need a long-term climate plan
If we can’t handle even two years of what has been an inconvenience caused by the pandemic, how are we going to handle the even bigger changes we need to make to transition our economy to renewable energies and systems?
Our new Parliament must address every issue as a climate change issue
Eco-anxiety is on the rise and may be worse yet for teenagers and children. How will our mental health system, woefully underfunded as it is, be equipped to support those with worsening eco-anxiety in the coming years? asks Halena Seiferling.