Kai Nagata

About Kai Nagata
Kai Nagata is the communications director for Dogwood, a B.C. non-profit dedicated to climate justice, Indigenous rights and democratic reform.
B.C. about to decide on biggest pipeline yet
Enbridge’s Westcoast Connector Gas Transmission Project could become the subject of another heated debate about pipelines.
Kinder Morgan admits its pipeline may be doomed
The Texas-based company is essentially trying to crowdfund $1.75 billion through an initial public offering. What does this mean for B.C.?
Kai Nagata on Quebec City and the ominous trajectory of Rebel Media's Ezra Levant
An analysis of the aftermath of the Quebec City mosque attack and the battle over whose truth will prevail.
Kai Nagata: CBC pretends Trans Mountain's 69 oil spills never happened
We can’t have an informed public conversation when university profs and news outlets aren’t giving people the facts, writes Kai Nagata.