Paul McKay

About Paul McKay
Paul McKay has won Canada’s top journalism awards multiple times for business, investigative and feature writing, and authored an acclaimed business biography. He is a past recipient of the Toronto Star/Atkinson Fellowship in Public Policy, and a past Pierre Berton Writer-in-Residence. His most recent e-book is The Art of the Expose: Dispatches from a Rebel Reporter.
Maple leaf memories
As Auston Matthews and John Tavares raise fragile hopes that the Toronto Maple Leafs may soon hoist the team’s first Stanley Cup since 1967, a sheen of half-century old memories glisten in my mind as if just laid out by an ice-rink Zamboni. Their power to trigger a rueful grin has not diminished.
Media malpractice and the bitumen bubble
The job of journalists is not to be popular, or go along to get along, but to pursue facts that matter – then let them fall ‘without fear or favour’. Which brings us to Canada’s bitumen bubble, and missing-in-action media coverage, which amounts to malpractice.
The fatal flaw of Alberta's oil expansion
Two weeks ago, the first supertanker capable of holding two million barrels of oil departed for the first time from America’s newly upgraded—and only—terminal able to dock and load crude-carrying behemoths of this size. Bound for China, the inaugural run signals a major shift in global oil shipping patterns, economics, and the highly competitive oil refinery business.