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Ross Jameson

Ross Jameson

Ocean Conservation Manager, Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society - British Columbia
About Ross Jameson

Ross (he/him) has always marveled at the wonders and mysteries of his natural surroundings which steered him to a career of marine science and conservation. Ross holds a BSc in Biology from the University of Victoria and a MSc in Marine Science and Management from the University of Sydney, Australia. At CPAWS-BC, Ross is driven to apply his knowledge and experience to protecting marine wildlife and the environments that helped raise him. In his spare time, you can find Ross playing guitar somewhere, surfing off the west coast of Vancouver Island, or exploring the recesses of Howe Sound via sea kayak.

1 Article

Indigenous-led conservation signals path forward for Canada's first marine protected area network

The Gwaii Haanas National Marine Conservation Area Reserve, also a Haida Heritage Site, is a prominent example of Indigenous-led, co-operatively managed marine protected areas (MPAs) in Canada, write Ross Jameson, an ocean conservation manager with the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society and Stephanie Hewson, staff lawyer at West Coast Environmental Law.
  • Profile photo of Stephanie Hewson
  • Profile photo of Ross Jameson