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Dan Kraus

Dan Kraus

About Dan Kraus

Dan Kraus is the director of national conservation for the Wildlife Conservation Society Canada (WCS Canada). He supports and manages WCS Canada’s portfolio of national initiatives including key biodiversity areas, One Health, biodiversity policy and natural climate solutions. Prior to WCS Canada, Kraus worked for the Nature Conservancy of Canada for more than 18 years. He has authored reports on topics ranging from Great Lakes islands to freshwater key biodiversity areas to natural capital. Most recently he led an initiative to develop Canada’s first list of nationally endemic wildlife and published papers on Canada’s “crisis” ecoregions and approaches to endangered species recovery. Kraus is a member of the IUCN Species Survival Commission and Connectivity Conservation Specialist Group and the Committee on Species at Risk in Ontario. He often writes about nature and conservation and his editorials, articles and interviews have appeared in media across Canada. Dan also teaches about wildlife extinction and recovery at the University of Waterloo. He lives with his family at the headwaters of Bronte Creek in the Lake Ontario watershed where he enjoys chopping wood and raising happy chickens.

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