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Karyn Pugliese

Karyn Pugliese

About Karyn Pugliese

Karyn Pugliese was Editor-in-Chief of Canada's National Observer and is a member of the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation in Ontario. She was Managing Editor of Investigations at CBC and, previously, the Executive Director of News and Current Affairs at the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network.

Karyn has worked at ichannel, CBC, Vision tv and has worked as the communications director of the Assembly of First Nations.

She was chosen for the twenty-fifth Martin Wise Goodman Canadian Nieman Fellowship at Harvard University.

She has served as the President of the Canadian Association of Journalists and was on the CAJ Ethics Committee. She is also on the board of Canadian Journalists for Free Expression.

Karyn’s awards are numerous and include:

  • The Gordon Sinclair Award for distinguished achievement in journalism
  • Hyman Solomon Award for Public Policy Journalism
  • Elias Boudinot Free Press Award of the Native American Journalists Association
  • Canadian Association of Journalists Charles Bury Award for her leadership supporting journalists and fighting for media rights

Three pieces she wrote for CNO won the National Newspaper Awards ‘best column’ category in 2022.

14 Articles