Kim Perrotta

Executive Director, Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment | Dundas, Ontario
About Kim Perrotta
Kim Perrotta has a master’s degree in health science and 34 years of experience working on environmental issues from a public health perspective for organizations such as Toronto Public Helath and the Ontario Public Health Association. She is currently the Executive Director for the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE) and the lead author of the Call to Action on Climate Change and Health that was released Feb. 5, 2019 by the Canadian Medical Association (CMA), the Canadian Nurse’s Association (CAN), the Urban Public Health Network (UPHN), the Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA), and CAPE.
Canada's health organizations demand action to prevent catastrophic climate change
It is an election year and all of our organizations - the Canadian Medical Association, the Canadian Nurses Association, the Urban Public Health Network, the Canadian Public Health Association, and the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment – agree that climate change is too important to health to be treated as a wedge issue in in the upcoming federal election.
Connecting the dots on the human health impacts of coal power
It's time to distinguish substance from spin on the health risks of coal-fired plants, say doctors from the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment.
Canada’s climate plan can improve human health both at home and abroad
Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment has an urgent call.