Lori Lee Oates

About Lori Lee Oates
Lori Lee Oates is a teaching assistant professor in the Department of Sociology at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Her research and teaching focus on social inequality, resource economics, and climate justice.
The global rise of the far-right is coming home to Canada
In times of expanding inequality, the impoverished will follow any politician offering change. We saw this coming out of the Great Depression. There was a strong desire to secure the world economy after both World Wars, in part because of the dangers of wealth moving upward.
Oil and gas approvals spell ecocide
It’s time to accept that the Global North has reached the ecocide-genocide nexus. Our long history of colonialism and genocide is now ecocidal.
Wildfires in N.L. are yet another sign we must move faster on climate change
Like many jurisdictions, temperatures in Newfoundland and Labrador have been trending upward and extreme weather has been more frequent.
New research says leave 40 per cent of existing fossil fuels in the ground
Exploring for more oil, delineation of new fields, constructing new oil infrastructure and commissioning new projects are all activities that waste Canada's shrinking carbon budget.
Newfoundland and Labrador oil is neither low-carbon nor ethical
Oil was seen as the province’s path to economic independence. Is that still the case?
Canada could be the first country on Earth to pay international royalties
If Canada pays royalties to the contentious Bay du Nord oil development off the Newfoundland coast, it would be the first country in the world to do so.