Mitchell Beer

About Mitchell Beer
Mitchell Beer is President of Smarter Shift Inc. and curator of The Energy Mix.
Convoy mixes with white nationalists and delivers toxic message to Ottawa
Federal Conservative leader Andrew Scheer welcomed a small convoy of protesters to Parliament Hill and white nationalist Faith Goldy told Indigenous protesters to go back where they came from as the United We Roll protest descended on Ottawa this week.
Memo to David Dodge: who are the extremists?
The fevered rhetoric coming from Trans Mountain pipeline boosters is dangerous. It’s provocative. And it bears no relationship to the facts on the ground.
The speech Justin Trudeau never gave about Kinder Morgan
"No deal ... no buyout." A speech that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau could have given if he'd said 'no' to Kinder Morgan is imagined by 'Mitchell Beer, publisher of The Energy Mix, an e-digest on climate change, energy, and post-carbon solutions.
Loss of beloved local rink ignites calls for climate action
It felt weirdly self-indulgent to mourn the loss of a Montreal skating rink when Cape Town, South Africa, is on track to run out of water in April. But both are strong reasons to step up the fight against climate change, writes Mitchell Beer.
Analysis: TransCanada may be listening to bad advice
It seemed oddly perverse to many critics and observers when TransCanada Corporation announced its decision last week to sell off its solar assets and invest the proceeds in new natural gas projects.
How Canada's online shopping sensation, Shopify, helps finance hate talk
On its Shopify store, Breitbart can be seen hawking offensive t-shirts telling foreigners to “get in line,” and glorifying Trump’s promised wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.
OPINION: Trudeau risks youth vote with two-faced energy policy
As 2016 drew to a gut-wrenching, heart-rending close, the PM gave every sign of doubling down on both oil production and climate policy.
A longer arc: How we win on climate and energy, after Trump
After the wrenching events of Tuesday night, that fundamental truth is unchanged. We just now know that the arc will be a bit longer.