Robert Jago

About Robert Jago
Robert Jago is the head of US/Can education firms. Kwantlen FN/Nooksack Tribe.
On her last day, my mother wore a shirt with the words she so believed. Every child matters.
As a family, we have been at the receiving end of almost everything Canada did to First Nations people, and my mother saw it all, writes Robert Jago.
First Nations getting bare minimum in 2019 election
In contrast to the 2015 campaign, when Idle No More was still flourishing and anti-Harper sentiment drove record-high Indigenous turnout, this election sees Indigenous issues on the sidelines, and neither hate nor hope is motivating Native voters.
Gerald Stanley and the fear of the 'Indian'
To find Gerald Stanley guilty, would be to find him responsible for his actions — actions which resulted in the death of Colten Boushie, an Indian. But we don’t do that in this country. White Canada is not responsible for what has happened to Indians.