246 academics call on government to act now to avoid global collapse

We represent a diverse group of academics working at universities and colleges across Canada who can no longer stand by in the face of human-driven climate change.
In October 2018, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published an alarming report confirming that climate change is posing a serious and unprecedented threat to the diversity and stability of life on earth. We face the imminent possibility of global eco-system collapse and mass social upheaval, and have little time to act.
For this reason, we the undersigned are united in the call for the Canadian government to take radical action in addressing the climate emergency. We are also united in the call for Canadian universities to divest funds from the fossil fuel industry that is contributing to the climate crisis, and to redirect investments toward the renewable energy sector and other climate-enhancing technologies.
In doing so, we support the efforts of the international group Extinction Rebellion (XR), which is calling attention to our extreme predicament. With XR, we are particularly concerned about the threshold for runaway climate change, which would lead to irreversible catastrophic changes that would impact us all. To keep below the 1.5°C increase in temperature that the IPCC report strongly urges we do not exceed, we must cut global CO2 emissions by 45% by the year 2030.
As an affluent country that has historically emitted vastly more greenhouse gas emissions than the global average, Canada has a moral and practical responsibility to reduce its emissions much faster than the average rate. Allocating Canada a share of emissions remaining under 1.5°C proportional to its population size would require full decarbonization by 2025, aligning with XR’s demand.
To meet this target, we must begin substantially reducing emissions as rapidly as possible — this means that after decades of intransigence, inaction, and rising emissions, we cannot afford to delay a moment longer. Given the extremely small window of time we have, nothing less than the drastic, systemic changes XR demands are necessary: 1) that the Canadian government acknowledge the climate emergency — not just rhetorically but in how it acts — by using its powers to make the threat of the climate emergency as widely known as possible; 2) that the Canadian government enact legally-binding policies to halt biodiversity loss and reduce carbon emissions to net zero by 2025; 3) that the transition be supervised by a citizen assembly endowed with decision-making powers, in order to ensure an effective and equitable process; and 4) that the energy transition is just for all Canadians, especially those already marginalized and neglected in the current economy.
Standing with XR, we are thus demanding that the Canadian government enact laws for a mobilization of society not seen since the Second World War to meet the 2025 net zero CO2 emissions target.
And because Canada’s past and future warming is double that of the global average, destroying the fabric of life of the Inuit and other indigenous groups and contributing to their ongoing oppression, we also demand, with XR, that our government collaborates with indigenous members of society in our country and around the world toward climate justice. Strong collaborations, as well as protections, must also be systemically created with and for the poor in both affluent nations and in the Global South, those who face economic persecution simply because of their race, religion, sexuality or gender, and anyone who has been most affected by unchecked resource extraction in the service of an economic system that promises unsustainable growth.
We refuse to continue supporting politicians who claim to be concerned about climate change while simultaneously approving oil pipelines, tar sands mines, and gas liquefaction facilities.
Our current government is not proposing the bold and swift action that is necessary. It is our moral duty to demand that they do. We have just a few short years to avoid irreversible catastrophe. We demand climate justice.
Albert Katz, Professor Emeritus, Psychology, Western University
Dave Shuttler, Professor, Biology, Acadia University
David Duke, Professor, History and Environmental Studies, Acadia University
Gabrielle Donnelly, Assistant Professor, Community Development, Acadia University
Glyn Bissix, Professor, Community Development and Environmental Studies, Acadia University
John Colton, Professor, Community Development and Environmental Studies, Acadia University
Mike Gismondi, Professor, Sociology and Global Studies, Athabasca University
Paul Ottaway, Instructor, Mathematics, Capilano University
Amy Poteete, Associate Professor, Political Science, Concordia University
Anya Zilberstein, Associate Professor, History, Concordia University
Geneviève Sicotte, Professor, French Studies, Concordia University
Kate Sterns, Associate Professor, Creative Writing, Concordia University
Leonard Sklar, Professor, Geography, Planning and the Environment, Concordia University
Nora Jaffary, Professor, History, Concordia University
Rachel Berger, Associate Professor, History, Concordia University
Shannon McSheffrey, Associate Professor, History, Concordia University
Damon Matthews, Professor, Geography, Planning and the Environment, Concordia University
Kathleen Kevany, Associate Professor, Agriculture, Dalhousie University
Richard Lebrasseur, Assistant Professor, Urban Agriculture, Dalhousie University
Amir Raz, Associate Professor, Psychiatry, McGill University
Ashley Wasana, Associate Professor, Psychiatry, McGill University
Brett Thombs, Associate Professor, Psychiatry, McGill University
Carolyn Ells, Associate Professor, Biomedical Ethics, McGill University
Charo Rodriguez, Professor, Family Medicine, McGill University
Derek Nystrom, Associate Professor, McGill University
Eric Latimer, Professor, Psychiatry, McGill University
Gabriella Coleman , Professor, Communication, McGill University
Heather Short, Adjunct Professor, Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill University
Ismael Vaccaro, Associate Professor, Anthropology, McGill University
James Brophy, Professor, Medicine, McGill University
Jennifer Fishman, Associate Professor, Biomedical Ethics, McGill University
Jenny Burman, Associate Professor, Communication, McGill University
Joel Paris, Professor, Psychiatry, McGill University
Jonathan Sterne, Professor, Art History and Communications, McGill University
Juliana Mahood, Faculty Lecturer, Family Medicine, McGill University
Laurence J. Kirmayer, James McGill Professor, Psychiatry, McGill University
Lisa Travis, Professor Emerita, Linguistics, McGill University
Loree Tamanaha, Clinical Lecturer, Medicine, McGill University
Lucie Nadeau, Associate Professor, Psychiatry, McGill University
Maida Sewitch, Associate Professor, Epidemiology, McGill University
Marion Dove, Associate Professor, Family Medicine, McGill University
Mark Goldberg, Professor, Epidemiology, McGill University
Michael Mackey, Morley Drake Professor, Physiology, McGill University
Myrna Lashley, Assistant Professor, Psychiatry, McGill University
Nancy E Mayo, Professor, Epidemiology, McGill University
Nicholas King, Associate Professor, Biomedical Ethics, McGill University
Phoebe Friesen, Assistant Professor, Biomedical Ethics, McGill University
Pierre Pluye, Professor, Family Medicine, McGill University
Robert Mahood, Assistant Professor, Family Medicine, McGill University
Sasha Bernatsky, Professor, Medicine, McGill University
Scott Weichenthal, Assistant Professor, Epidemiology, McGill University
Jay Kaufman, Professor, Epidemiology, McGill University
David Kaiser, Assistant Professor (Clinical), Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health, McGill University
Jean Zigby, Guest Lecturer, Family Medicine, McGill University
Nancy Dahn, Professor, School of Music, Memorial University
Sylvie Proulx, Associate Professor, School of Music, Memorial University
Timothy Steeves, Professor, School of Music, Memorial University
Yvan Rose, Professor, Linguistics, Memorial University
Sarah Martin, Assistant Professor, Political Science, Memorial University
Mark Stoddart, Professor, Sociology, Memorial University
Lucian M. Ashworth, Professor, Political Science, Memorial University
Bill Brennan, Professor, School of Music, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Kati Szego, Professor, School of Music, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Kristina Szutor, Professor, School of Music, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Florian Hoefner, Assistant Professor, School of Music, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Vernon Regehr, Associate Professor, School of Music, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Sarah Newbery, Associate Professor, Clinical Sciences, Family Medicine, Northern Ontario School of Medicine
Lorin Young, Associate Professor, Psychiatry, Northern Ontario School of Medicine
Gary Bota, Associate Professor and Section Chair, Emergency Medicine, Northern Ontario School of Medicine
Mathew Reichertz, Associate Professor, Visual Arts, Nova Scotia College of Art and Design
Cathy Vakil, Assistant Professor, Family Medicine, Queen’s University
David Barber, Assistant Professor, Medicine, Queen’s University
Eva Purkey, Assistant Professor, Family Medicine, Queen’s University
Kyla Tienhaara, Assistant Professor, Environmental Studies/Global Development, Queen’s University
Sara Angelucci, Adjunct Professor, Photography, Ryerson University
Adam Baden-Clay, Manager, Youth Leadership Program, Coady International Institute, St Francis Xavier University
Adam Perry, Assistant Professor, Education, St. Francis Xavier University
Christina Holmes, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts, St. Francis Xavier University
Shannon Brooke Murphy, Assistant Professor, St. Thomas University
Carole Roy, Professor, Education, St. Francis Xavier University
Naima Imam Chowdhury, Women’s Leadership and GE Specialist, Coady International Institute, St. Francis Xavier University
Simon Tremblay-Pepin, Assistant Professor, Elisabeth-Bruyère School of Innovation, St. Paul University
Karen Robert, Associate Professor, History, St. Thomas University
Derek Simon, Associate Professor, Religious Studies, St. Thomas University
Janice Harvey, Assistant Professor, Environment and Society, St. Thomas University
Brad Cross, Professor, History, St. Thomas University
Corinne Hersey, Contract Professor, Sociology, St. Thomas University
Tracy Glynn, Contract Professor, Environment and Society, St. Thomas University
Matthew Hayes, Associate Professor, Sociology, St. Thomas University
Monika Stelzl, Associate Professor, Psychology, St. Thomas University
Jeannette Gaudet, Associate Professor, Romance Languages, St. Thomas University
Julien Defraeye, Assistant Professor, Romance Languages, St. Thomas University
Dean Farrell, Lecturer, Irish Studies, St. Thomas University
Peter Weeks, Associate Professor, Sociology, St. Thomas University
Raluca Bejan, Assistant Professor,Social Work, St. Thomas University
Janet Mullin, Assistant Professor, History, St. Thomas University
Kristi Allain, Associate Professor, Sociology, St. Thomas University
David Suzuki, Professor Emeritus, Biology, University of British Columbia
Karine Vanthhuyne, Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology, University of Ottawa
Meg Stalcup, Assistant Professor, Sociology and Anthropology, University of Ottawa
Nathalie Mondain, Associate Professor. Sociology and Anthropology, University of Ottawa
JP Sapinski, Assistant Professor, Environmental Studies, University of Moncton
Adrian L. Burke, Professor, Anthropology, University of Montreal
Alexandre Messier, Assistant Professor, Family Medicine, University of Montreal
Chloé Courteau-Vézina, Clinical Lecturer, Family Medicine, University of Montreal
Christopher Marquis, Clinical Associate Professor, Pharmacy, University of Montreal
Cynthia Milton, Professor, History, University of Montreal
Daniel Valois, Professor, Linguistics, University of Montreal
Derek McKee, Associate Professor, Law, University of Montreal
Eric Dagher, Clinical Lecturer, Family Medicine, University of Montreal
Eric Notebaert, Associate Clinical Professor, Family and Emergency Medicine, University of Montreal
Eric-Viet Laperrière-Nguyen, Assistant Clinical Professor. Family Medicine, University of Montreal
Gregory Moullec, Assistant Professor, Public Health, University of Montreal
Guillaume Emeriaud, Associate Clinical Professor, Pediatrics, University of Montreal
Isabelle Ledoux, Clinical Lecturer, Family Medicine, University of Montreal
Jean-Baptiste Paolini, Associate Professor, Anesthesiology, University of Montreal
Julien Riel-Salvatore, Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Montreal
Kate Frohlich, Professor, Public Health, University of Montreal
Laurence McFalls, Professor, Political Science, University of Montreal
Marie-Jo Ouimet, Clinical Lecturer, Public Health, University of Montreal
Martin St-André, Associate Clinical Professor, Prenatal and Young Infant Psychiatry, University of Montreal
Michel Seymour, Honorary Professor, Philosophy, University of Montreal
Nicolas Demers, Clinical Lecturer, Family Medicine, University of Montreal
Phaedra Royle, Professor, Speech Therapy and Audiology, University of Montreal
Yan Kestens, Associate Professor, Public Health, University of Montreal
Yasmine Ratnani, Assistant Clinical Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Montreal
Isabelle Montplaisir, Assistant Clinical Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Montreal
Isabelle Lepage, University of Montreal
Pier-Luc Turcotte, Lecturer and PhD Candidate, Community Health, University of Sherbrooke
John Drendel, Professor, Medieval History, University of Quebec at Montreal
Stéphane Dandeneau, Professor, Psychology, University of Quebec at Montreal
Eric Pineault, Professor, Institute of Environmental Sciences, University of Quebec at Montreal
Alison Munson, Professor, Wood and Forestry Sciences, Laval University
Anne-Sophie Denault, Professor, Psychoeducation, Laval University
Benoit Arsenault, Associate Professor, Medicine, Laval University
Charles Baron, Professor, Management, Laval University
Gina Muckle, Professor, Psychology, Laval University
Jason Guertin, Associate Professor, Medicine, Laval University
Johanna-Pascale Roy, Professor, Linguistics, Laval University
Laurence Guillaumie, Associate Professor, Nursing Sciences, Laval University
Laurent Bazinet, Professor, Food Sciences, Laval University
Louis-Philippe Sirois, Assistant Professor, Compliance, Laval University
Maryse Mayer, Doctoral Candidate and Lecturer, Administration, Laval University
Michael Lau, Associate Professor, Mathematics, Laval University
Michel O'Neill, Professor Emeritus, Sociology, Laval University
Pascal Vallières, Lecturer, Anthropology, Laval University
Patrick Provost, Professor, Medicine, Laval University
Stephanie Lloyd, Associate Professor, Anthropology, Laval University
Thierry Lefèvre, Researcher, Biophysics, Laval University
Valériane Champagne St-Arnaud, Postdoctoral Researcher, Public Communication, Laval University
Veronique Moulin, Professor, Medicine, Laval University
Vincent Couture, Associate Professor, Nursing Sciences, Laval University
Vincent Fradet, Associate Professor, Medicine, Laval University
Yves Caumartin, Clinical Lecturer, Medicine, Laval University
Hélène Rousseau, Assistant Professor, Medicine, McGill University
Howard Nye, Associate Professor, Medicine, University of Alberta
Jaimie Baron, Associate Professor, Film and Media Studies, University of Alberta
Tanya Harnett, Associate Professor, Art and Design/Native Studies, University of Alberta
Jaymie Heilman, Professor, History, University of Alberta
Keavy Martin, Associate Professor, English and Film Studies, University of Alberta
Sarah Krotz, Associate Professor, English and Film Studies, University of Alberta
Jennifer Welchman, Professor, Philosophy, University of Alberta
Laurie Adkin, Professor, Faculty of Arts, University of Alberta
Carolyn Sale, Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts, University of Alberta
Alison Murray, Professor, Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Alberta
Glen Hvenegaard, Professor, Environmental Sciences, Augustana Faculty, University of Alberta
Sean Caulfield, Professor, Faculty of Arts, University of Alberta
Iman Mersal, Professor, Faculty of Arts, University of Alberta
Gordon Laxer, Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Arts, University of Alberta
Makere Stewart-Harawira, Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Alberta
Dwayne Donald, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Alberta
Cam Jefferies, Associate Professor, Law, University of Alberta
Andrew Holt, Associate Professor, Psychiatry, University of Alberta
Michael Tenzer, Professor, School of Music, University of British Columbia
Nathan Hesselink, Professor, School of Music, University of British Columbia,
Warren Bell, Rural Preceptor, Family Practice, University of British Columbia
Bill Winder, Assistant Professor, French, Spanish and Italian Studies, University of British Columbia
Christy Sutherland, Assistant Clinical Professor, Family Medicine, University of British Columbia
Eric Meyers, Associate Professor, School of Information, University of British Columbia
Heather O'Brien, Associate Professor, School of Information, University of British Columbia
Jocelyn Morlock, Sessional Instructor, School of Music, University of British Columbia
Kerry Greer, Senior Instructor, Sociology, University of British Columbia
L. Mark Anderson, Associate Professor, School of Music, University of British Columbia
Leticia Aviles, Professor, Faculty of Science, University of British Columbia
Lisa Nathan, Associate Professor, School of Information, University of British Columbia
Litsa Chatzivasileiou, Sessional Instructor, Institute of Social Justice, University of British Columbia
Mike Krisinger, Instructor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of British Columbia
Neil Chadha, Associate Clinical Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia
Rashmi Chadha, Assistant Clinical Professor, Family Medicine, University of British Columbia
Robert Taylor, Professor, School of Music, University of British Columbia
Tony Ng, Clinical Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia
Rita McCracken, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia
Tony Robinson-Smith, Lecturer, English, University of New Brunswick
Marie-Eve Bérubé, Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa
Larisa Kurtovic, Assistant Professor, Sociology and Anthropology, University of Ottawa
Susan Spronk, Associate Professor, School of International Development and Global Studies, University of Ottawa
Josdalyne Anderson, Clinical Lecturer, Family Medicine, University of Ottawa
Jason MacLean, Assistant Professor, College of Law and the School of Environment and Sustainability, University of Saskatchewan
Fiona A Miller, Professor, Health Policy, University of Toronto
Samantha Green, Assistant Professor, Family Medicine, University of Toronto
Jillian Alston, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto
Edward Xie, Assistant Professor, Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto
Adrienne Wong, Clinical Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto
Scott Prudham, Professor, Geography and Planning, School of the Environment, University of Toronto
Steve Easterbrook, Professor and Director, School of the Environment, University of Toronto
Deborah Cowen, Professor, Geography and Planning, University of Toronto
Sue Ruddick, Professor, Geography and Planning, University of Toronto
Gavin Smith, Professor Emeritus, Anthropology, University of Toronto
William Carroll, Professor, Sociology, University of Victoria
James Rowe, Associate Professor, Environmental Studies, University of Victoria
Angela Carter, Associate Professor, Political Science, University of Waterloo
Imre Szeman, Professor, Arts and Communication, University of Waterloo
Heather Newell, Professor, Linguistics, University of Quebec at Montreal
Paul Handford, Professor Emeritus, Biology, Western University
Anna Gunz, Assistant Professor, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western University
Adrian Stacy, Clinical Adjunct Professor,Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western University
Tony Weis, Associate Professor, Geography, Western University
Alan MacEachern, Professor, History, Western University
Jeff Hopkins, Associate Professor, Geography, Western University
Andrew Walsh, Associate Professor, Anthropology, Western University
Carol Hunsberger, Assistant Professor, Geography, Western University
Eric Desjardins, Associate Professor, Philosophy, Western University
Rianne Mahon, Professor, Political Science, Wilfrid Laurier University
Simon Dalby, Professor, Geography and Environmental Studies. Wilfrid Laurier University
Jody Berland, Professor, Department of Humanities, York University
Natasha Myers, Associate Professor, Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, York University
Walter Whiteley, Professor Emeritus, Mathematics and Statistics, York University
Peter Vandergeest, Professor, Geography, York University
Shubhra Gururani, Associate Professor, Anthropology, York University
Santiago Mora, Professor, Anthropology, St. Thomas University
Erica Lawon, Associate Professor, Women’s Studies and Feminist Research, Western University
Sylvia Hale, Retired Professor, Sociology, St. Thomas University
Deborah van den Hoonaard, Professor Emeritus, Gerontology, St. Thomas University
Stewart Donovan, Professor, Irish Studies, St. Thomas University
Greg Thorn, Associate Professor, BiologyWestern University
Benjamin Pliska, Associate Professor, Faculty of Dentistry, University of British Columbia
Sara Kirk, Professor, Healthy Populations Institute, Dalhousie University
Leslie Smith, Lecturer, English, University of New Brunswick
Kate Neville, Assistant Professor, Political Science, School of the Environment, University of Toronto
Julia MacIsaac, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, University of British Columbia
Alain Deneault, Assistant Professor, Humanities, University of Moncton
Andrea Protzner, Associate Professor, Psychology, University of Calgary
Elizabeth Halpenny, Associate Professor, Kinesthesiology, Sports and Recreation, University of Alberta
Zelma Kiss, Professor, Clinical Neuroscience, Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary
Shayna Watson, Assistant Professor, Family Medicine, Queen’s University
If you are an academic working in a Canadian university and would like to add your name to the list, visit academics4xr.ca.
"3) that the transition be supervised by a citizen assembly endowed with decision-making powers, in order to ensure an effective and equitable process"
Yes, it is time for citizens to act to protect our country and our planet -- since our governments won't. Justin Trudeau is quickly losing his opportunity to make history by showing global leadership.
I tried to sign but, using my iPad, the form would not let me enter my information. I tried also on my PC, but there got a message saying I had to sign in to Google; I am not doing that. Is there another way to sign it?
The signatories are presumably smart people. I would have hoped that by now, they'd have understood "demanding" change and appealing to government to do something, anything is going to have exactly zero impact. The letter itself demonstrates the authors do not understand the systemic dynamics at play, or even history.