Anne Caroline Desplanques

About Anne Caroline Desplanques
Anne Caroline Desplanques is an award-winning journalist based in Argentina. Her work has been published in Le Journal de Montréal, Québec Science, La Presse, Radio-Canada, Nouveau Projet, The Canadian Journalism Project, and Rue89. Her experience includes print, radio and multimedia in Canada, South America and the Caribbean. In 2012, as Editor in Chief of the Canadian Journalism Project in French (ProjetJ), she won the Canadian Association of Journalist’s President’s Award for her exemplary contributions to Canadian journalism. She also won the Gomery Award for best public-spirited radio show (CIBL) and she was nominated for two Independent Journalism Awards in Quebec (AJIQ).
Un juge argentin pourrait ordonner la fermeture d'une mine canadienne
Un juge fédéral argentin étudie la possibilité de fermer définitivement la mine d’or Veladero opérée par la compagnie canadienne Barrick Gold.
Argentinian judge leads inquiry that could shut down Canadian mine
After a third toxic cyanide spill, a federal judge in Buenos Aires is considering a shutdown of Barrick Gold's Veladero gold mine. But it's not a straightforward case.
Argentinian town not thrilled with Trudeau visit after Canadian mining disaster
In Jachal, Argentina, Toronto-based mining giant Barrick Gold is the face of Canada and locals want the company to hit the road.
Mine canadienne accusée du pire désastre minier de l’histoire de l’Argentine
Dans la petite ville de Jachal accrochée à la cordillère des Andes, en Argentine, la visite officielle du Premier ministre Trudeau à Buenos Aires est loin d’être vue d’un bon oeil.
Canada and Argentina pursue mining partnership in wake of cyanide disaster
Canada and Argentina announced incentives for the mining industry in the Latin American country just as controversy erupted over environmental damage at a Canadian mine.
Le Canada et l'Argentine intensifient leur collaboration malgré un désastre minier
Le Canada et l'Argentine renforcent leur collaboration dans le secteur minier après qu'une mine d'or canadienne soit accusée du pire désastre minier de l’histoire de l’Argentine