Christopher Reynolds
About Christopher Reynolds
Reporter with The Canadian Press.
Seniors lose regular income supplement after receiving emergency benefits
Chris Sherlock is facing possible eviction because of unanticipated clawbacks to the guaranteed income supplement for seniors.
Green Party paying dearly for legal battles with Annamie Paul
The Green party is poised to shell out hundreds of thousands of dollars on legal battles with leader Annamie Paul, worsening an already rough financial situation as a federal election nears.
Annamie Paul says Green Party convention will go ahead even if election is underway
National conventions, which focus on policy positions and executive elections, will suck up time and resources as Paul tries to ramp up volunteer recruitment, fundraising and election readiness.
Annamie Paul says 'small group' of party execs responsible for attempts to oust her
Green Leader Annamie Paul sought Thursday to frame a legal challenge from her own party as the work of a "small group" of outgoing executives, as she tries to push past the turmoil still roiling the Greens in the shadow of a looming federal election.
Infighting between leader Annamie Paul and Green Party executive heads to court
The fight within the Green Party has spilled over to the courthouse.
Paul survives as leader of Greens, speaks about 'incredibly painful' past few weeks
Annamie Paul sought to show on Monday that her party has pushed past a period of bitter strife ahead of a likely election, as lingering tensions leave Greens in limbo and Paul reeling from a temporarily sidelined threat to her leadership.
Non-confidence vote against Green Party Leader Annamie Paul cancelled
A planned non-confidence vote against leader Annamie Paul is off the table until at least the next general meeting of members, the Green Party has confirmed.