Gavin Smith

About Gavin Smith
Gavin Smith is professor emeritus, Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto; and visiting professor, National University of Ireland, Maynooth. His work in South America and Western Europe focuses on the connection between the ways people make a livelihood and their forms of political expression. His works include Livelihood and Resistance: Peasants and the Politics of Land in Peru (1989); Confronting the Present: Towards a Politically Engaged Anthropology (1999); with Susana Narotzky, Immediate Struggles: People, Power and Place in Rural Spain (2006) & Luchas inmediatas: gente, poder y espacio en la España rural (2010); and Intellectuals and (Counter-) Politics: Essays in Historical Realism (2014)
What is the University of Toronto’s greatest concern?
Post-secondary institutions such as U of T should be leading the response to the global environmental threat by offering clear, transparent and detailed proposals backed by genuine accountability.
Universities must dump their fossil fuel investments before fundraising
Every place you go with a photo of a smiling, optimistic student beside your university’s name, someone will demand to know how continuing to invest in fossil fuels is compatible with empowering the best possible future for young people, write six University of Toronto professors and a PhD candidate.