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Sue Ruddick

Sue Ruddick

About Sue Ruddick

Sue Ruddick is a professor in the Department of Geography and Planning at the University of Toronto. She works at the intersection of philosophy, critical theory and geography. Over her thirty-year career, she has explored the ways the city has accommodated or inhibited a range of unruly subjects. Substantively her work has focussed the ways the organization of cities has accommodated or inhibited the daily lives of homeless youth, young people with mobility issues, and most recently urban wildlife. Her publications can be found in Theory, Culture and Society; Society and Space; Antipode; Public Culture and Intellectual History Review. She has worked in city and community planning in Montreal and Los Angeles.
Following the publication of the IPCC report in 2017, she has taught a graduate course on the geography and planning of climate activism.

1 Article

Universities must dump their fossil fuel investments before fundraising

Every place you go with a photo of a smiling, optimistic student beside your university’s name, someone will demand to know how continuing to invest in fossil fuels is compatible with empowering the best possible future for young people, write six University of Toronto professors and a PhD candidate.
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  • Profile photo of Sue Ruddick
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