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Norman Farb

Norman Farb

About Norman Farb

Norman Farb, PhD, is an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, Mississauga, where he directs the Regulatory and Affective Dynamics laboratory and is a fellow at the Mind and Life Institute. He researches the psychology of well-being. He focuses on mental habits, such as how we think about ourselves and our emotions. Farb is interested in why some people become resilient to stress, while others are vulnerable to depression and anxiety. He is exploring online assessment and training techniques, and uses neuroimaging to explore how emotional reactions to stress predict mental health over the lifespan.

1 Article

Universities must dump their fossil fuel investments before fundraising

Every place you go with a photo of a smiling, optimistic student beside your university’s name, someone will demand to know how continuing to invest in fossil fuels is compatible with empowering the best possible future for young people, write six University of Toronto professors and a PhD candidate.
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