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Meg Sears

Meg Sears

Chair of Prevent Cancer Now | Ottawa, ON
About Meg Sears

With Prevent Cancer Now, Meg Sears champions healthy, sustainable choices by individuals, and on behalf of the public by governments - choices based on rigorous science, via laws, policy and regulation. At the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, she focuses on information and methods to link environmental exposures to health. Dr. Sears' work includes: writing the Medical Perspective on Environmental Sensitivities for the Canadian Human Rights Commission, leading to a policy under the Canadian Human Rights Act; carrying out a scoping review on toxic elements (arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury) funded by the Canadian Institutes for Health Research and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council; authoring modules for the Canadian Committee on Indoor Air Quality; and collaborating with other Canadian organizations to further public and environmental health. She was originally trained in chemical engineering and applied chemistry at the University of Toronto, worked in energy research, and then returned to academia to complete doctoral research in biochemical engineering at McGill University.

9 Articles