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Selena Ross

Selena Ross

About Selena Ross

Selena Ross is a Montreal-based reporter covering a range of Arctic-related stories for Canadian and American newspapers and magazines. She has previously written for The Globe and Mail, This American Life, The Guardian US, the Financial Post and other outlets. She holds two CAJ awards for investigative reporting.

11 Articles

Montreal-developed satellite pinpoints carbon from space

It’s the future in a major Canadian city. Streets hum with electric buses and every burger is made with lab-grown beef. Just after New Year’s Day, people gather around their televisions to watch the annual global carbon count. One by one, an envoy from each country on earth submits their emissions total, then waits nervously as the governing body checks that number against the official list.

Trudeau visits his old Montreal school to deliver SNC-Lavalin counter-attack

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau picked his old school in Montreal as the setting as he began a counter-attack Wednesday evening in the SNC Lavalin affair — a setting that underlined some of the interprovincial tensions in the controversy, with many Quebeckers believing that government was right to use drastic measures to protect thousands of jobs in the province.

For young Inuit, getting an education can mean choosing between cultures

When she graduated in June of this year, Patricia Deveaux won a Governor General’s Academic Medal for having the highest grades in her high-school class. Meanwhile, she had long since learned the ropes in the world of work, having talked her way into a job at a local hotel when she was 13. “She was always the one I looked up to,” says her 16-year-old sister, Lissa.