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Special report

Canada's Clean Economy

This special report has been produced in collaboration with  I-SEA, Ivey, Trottier, and Vancity foundations. National Observer retains full editorial control over the reporting. Produit en collaboration avec les fondations Ivey et Trottier, Vancity et I-SEA. Canada's National Observer conserve le contrôle éditorial total sur les rapports.

65 Articles

Canada must build sustainable finance sector to meet climate goals–the feds are acting on this, but is it fast enough?

A recent RBC report estimates that in order to catch up and meet its climate targets, Canada will need to invest $70 billion per year into green technologies such as electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure, green hydrogen, carbon capture and renewable energy production. As it stands, the country falls well short of that figure, investing just $10 billion annually.