Sandy Garossino

About Sandy Garossino
Sandy Garossino has been focused through 2023 on researching the relationship between Canada and China and this work will be released in January 2024. Previously, she was been the public affairs columnist for Canada's National Observer, responsible for some of CNO's most groundbreaking investigations. She is a former Crown prosecutor and prominent media commentator, whose bold writing is read by millions across North America.
Her writing provides depth on topics where the media's analysis of controversial and urgent topics misses the mark. She is the winner of 'Best Column' in Canada in the 2016 Canadian Online Publishing Association's awards, and was a finalist for the Jack Webster Award for 'Best Column' in 2019.
Enormous symbolism in closure of UK's last coal plant
The fall of coal in the very birthplace of the Industrial Revolution is like a bell tolling in the distance.
It’s the sound of hope.
What happened to coal is coming for us
Oil and gas are Canada's top exports, but as the world embraces the so-called clean tech revolution, our per capita GDP is already shrinking. Without some plan to replace fossil fuels, our economy will face an unparalleled calamity.
Disinformation is killing democracy
Not to mention, destroying our shrinking opportunity to combat climate change. As a reader, you matter today as you never have before, and here’s why.
Silicon mobsters’ chokehold on Canada
These are mob tactics. "Nice little newspaper you’ve got there — be a shame if something happened to it.”
Hell yes, we should sue Big Oil
This might be too much to ask, but when elected officials roll out big climate initiatives, could they please be ready to comprehensively frame issues for the public? writes columnist Sandy Garossino.
The surprising truth about gun deaths in Canada
Most of our controversy around gun ownership depends on a blizzard of American media tropes and myths, writes columnist Sandy Garossino.
Let’s have an adult conversation about abortion
Meanwhile, can we get real for just a minute and talk about sex and pregnancy as if we’re adult humans with real life experience and not children reading about it in books? asks columnist Sandy Garossino.
Startling Trump interference points to GoFundMe convoy campaign manipulation
If you think there’s something extremely fishy about the GoFundMe “Freedom” campaign, you’re onto something, writes columnist Sandy Garossino.
Substacking the deck
The suggestion that increased racial sensitivity by Canada’s public broadcaster is the effect of elite American liberal posturing is flatly bizarre, writes columnist Sandy Garossino.
As Kenney's anti-Alberta Energy inquiry fizzles out, remember it was a grave abuse of power
The panicky narrative of duplicitous American puppeteers directing Canadian pipeline opposition evaporated in the face of ordinary facts.