Sandy Garossino

About Sandy Garossino
Sandy Garossino has been focused through 2023 on researching the relationship between Canada and China and this work will be released in January 2024. Previously, she was been the public affairs columnist for Canada's National Observer, responsible for some of CNO's most groundbreaking investigations. She is a former Crown prosecutor and prominent media commentator, whose bold writing is read by millions across North America.
Her writing provides depth on topics where the media's analysis of controversial and urgent topics misses the mark. She is the winner of 'Best Column' in Canada in the 2016 Canadian Online Publishing Association's awards, and was a finalist for the Jack Webster Award for 'Best Column' in 2019.
A mea culpa and plea for better election journalism
Coming out of a federal election, those of us in media must be measured and judicious in editorial decisions about how to direct our limited resources to fairly report on matters of concern to all Canadians, writes columnist Sandy Garossino.
Are the Liberals our best chance?
"If there's one lesson we should have learned as a nation these last two years, it's the indispensable role of government."
Cut a deal and bring the Michaels home
The Xi Jinping regime will not bend or give ground until the Meng Wanzhou proceedings are terminated, whether by Canada or the United States, writes columnist Sandy Garossino.
Clear their names, Jason Kenney
Steve Allan’s anti-Alberta energy inquiry has found the accusations levelled by the Jason Kenney government against environmentalists to be a complete sham, writes columnist Sandy Garossino.
My not-so-secret communication channel with Alberta's oilsands inquiry
Canada's National Observer columnist Sandy Garossino explains why she met with commission accountants from Alberta's inquiry into alleged foreign-funded campaigns against the province's energy sector.
The day they invaded Congress
If the least surprising thing in the world is that a mob of Trump extremists would storm the U.S. House and Senate as they met to confirm the president-elect, the most shocking was that it would be so easy, writes Sandy Garossino.
Grown man defeats proud boy
As a figure unblemished by shame or reflection, Donald Trump perfectly embodies a pre-pubescent ideal of manhood as unrestrained dominance. That he stands today unrivaled as the ultimate Proud Boy icon is entirely fitting, because Trump is childish to his core.
The most sadistic figure in the Trump administration has the coronavirus. Is it wrong to cheer?
Is it wrong to cheer such terrible luck for possibly the most sadistic figure in the Trump administration? Or for Trump himself, the others in his administration and the GOP senators who have so debased their office in his service?
The death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg
The capture of Ginsburg's Supreme Court seat is the GOP's best chance to block Democratic legislation over health care, abortion rights, marriage equality, immigration, gun and social media regulations, election finance reform, tax and climate change reforms.