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Democracy and Integrity Reporting Project

84 Articles

Allegations against Portland antifa latest effort by far-right activists to vilify the antifascist movement

Far-right activists descend on Portland weekly and usually bring violence, including a very notable killing in May 2017. Local antifascists come out to defend minority communities and other vulnerable people. National media usually overlook the context and keep falling for the far-right narrative. Here's how a disinformation campaign went mainstream.
National Conservative News Network Canada Facebook Page

EXCLUSIVE: Canadian Facebook page weaponized Islamophobia behind facade of 'news'

From videos hyping the fictitious threat of creeping Sharia law in Canada to posts warning that Muslims would take over Canada and destroy the country if they weren't stopped, this so-called "news network" was actually much more like the website of a hate group than a news organization. Facebook removed the page after a National Observer investigation.