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Special report

First Nations Forward

Produced in collaboration with the Real Estate Foundation of BC, I-SEA, Vancouver Foundation, Vancity, Catherine Donnelly Foundation, Donner Canadian Foundation, Clayoquot Biosphere Trust,  North Foundation, Willow Grove Foundation, Canadian Center for Journalism, Victoria Foundation, and the Port Moody Foundation. National Observer retains full editorial control over the topics and the reporting. 

115 Articles

The Dzawada’enuxw First Nation files lawsuit against Canada on fish farms dispute

The Dzawada’enuxw First Nation filed an 'Aboriginal rights' lawsuit against the government of Canada, challenging the federal permits that allow Atlantic farmed salmon farms in their traditional territories. Chiefs, artists and community members traveled to Vancouver Thursday for a press conference and art exhibit at night to kick off the Nation's legal action.

Indigenous journalists talk about the past, present and future of journalism

Indigenous journalists do the job differently, and they always have. That's what Tristan Ahtone, Simon Moya-Smith, Angela Sterritt, Candis Callison and Julian Noisecat told National Observer's Emilee Gilpin when she asked about their experiences in the industry and their predictions for the future of a steadily shifting media landscape in North America. Here's what they had to say.

Native author Tommy Orange on Trump, the power of fiction and supermassive black holes

Tommy Orange, an Oakland-based author, was surprised his first novel 'There There' hit The New York Times best seller list, 11 weeks in a row. In an interview with National Observer, Orange told reporter Emilee Gilpin about rarely reading as a kid, the important role of fiction in society, and how the success of his first novel rode a strange parallel to Donald Trump's presidency.