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Energy East

221 Articles
Jacques Poitras, Energy East, Pipe Dreams

Who is the prime suspect in the death of Energy East?

What led to the failure of the Energy East pipeline, the largest oil pipeline project ever proposed in Canada? Journalist Jacques Poitras set out to chronicle the story of the Energy East project several years ago, but by the time he finished his book, the pipeline had been terminated by its proponent, Calgary-based energy company, TransCanada. It turned his book into a political whodunit.
Lisa Raitt, Manning Networking Conference

'I would read them the riot act,' says Lisa Raitt in new book about doomed Energy East pipeline

After following the evolution of the Energy East pipeline project proposal for years, I thought I had documented a large part of this epic political saga, writes National Observer managing editor Mike De Souza. But then I read Jacques Poitras’s riveting account of the story in his new book, Pipe Dreams: The Fight for Canada's Energy Future.

Kinder Morgan faced with uncertainty 'for years' due to challenges from First Nations

Canada’s constitution grants them many rights, and it is far from certain that these rights have been respected in the pipeline approval processes. Currently, 18 cases are before the courts in this matter. Regardless of the rulings in these cases, the parties will certainly appeal, perhaps all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada, which could take years.
  • Profile photo of Sydney Ribaux