What should we demand from our leaders and political parties during the federal election? Support for the Paris Agreement on climate change and the upcoming international meeting on climate change in Glasgow and followup meetings, writes Joel Burcat.
The federal election campaign finished off its first week with two leaders planning events while Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau has no scheduled public appearances on Saturday, August 21, 2021
Jagmeet Singh made the campaign's first stop in an Indigenous community with a visit to the Cowessess First Nation in Saskatchewan, which announced in June a preliminary finding of 751 unmarked graves at the site of a former residential school.
Green Party Leader Annamie Paul stressed the importance of Canada quickly reaching net-zero emissions at a press conference Friday, but critics say they want to see more details from the climate-focused party.
Jagmeet Singh’s NDP is particularly popular among younger voters, the same demographic that helped propel the Trudeau Liberals to their first majority in 2015, writes columnist Max Fawcett.
Justin Trudeau's political opponents took aim at him on the campaign trail on Wednesday, August 18, 2021, over the cost of living, facing broadsides from Conservatives for the decade-high pace of price growth and the NDP for high housing prices.
Nova Scotia’s Progressive Conservative win over the Liberals on Tuesday night has officially toppled any notion that incumbents can coast to re-election.
Canada's cornerstone environmental protection law hasn't been updated since 1999, and modern-day exposures, including those in some workplaces, are inadequately addressed under the legislation in its current form, write Atanu Sarkar and Jane McArthur of the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment.
The Nova Scotia PCs have more in common with the 2015 Trudeau Liberals than the 2021 O’Toole Conservatives, given they won their election by outflanking their provincial competitors to the left on everything from climate change to health-care spending, writes columnist Max Fawcett.
Public servants who can get vaccinated and choose not to will face "consequences" for their decision if the Liberals are returned to power, Justin Trudeau said on Tuesday, as the issue of vaccine mandates exploded on the campaign trail.
Climate change will almost certainly be top of mind in the upcoming election after a summer of intense heat waves has left apartment dwellers roasting with no relief and wildfires are sweeping through Ontario and B.C.’s rural communities.